Imperial City

Capital of The Jade Imperium.

"A city of decorum and tradition fighting back the rapid tides of decline."


A High Imperial Court, consisting of the Emperor and Imperial Eunuchs, forms the basis of government.


Imperial Palace

A magnificent and awe-inspiring structure located at the heart of the Imperial City. As the residence of the ruling Emperor, it represents the pinnacle of imperial power and authority in the East Asian-inspired DnD city. The palace is a testament to the grandeur and cultural heritage of the empire, combining traditional architectural elements with mystical touches befitting a realm ruled by Jade and dragons.    

The Military Barracks and Training Grounds

The most formidable stronghold within the Imperial City. Surrounded by high stone walls adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and symbols of protection, the barracks exude an aura of strength and discipline. Guards dressed in the Emperor's colors patrol the entrance, ensuring only authorized personnel enter its grounds.    

The Market District

An area filled with an eclectic mix of sights, sounds, and smells. Nestled within a sprawling city, this district caters primarily to the poorer residents, offering a vast array of goods and services at affordable prices.    

The Business District

Somewhat more well-off than the market district, successful merchants and skilled tradesmen find themselves here. A middle-class district for the working public with sprawling shops and winding streets, the buildings here have sharply sloped roofs and often are stacked one atop another. Strangely there aren't as many people about as you would think, your footsteps fall on the cobbled stone and echo around the twisting streets and jumbled shops.    

The Redlight District

A rundown and filthy area of the city controlled by the mob. The buildings here are in dire need of repair and the streets have sunken into the mud in many areas, when it rains the district is prone to flooding, and even for weeks after there are large pools of stagnant filthy water in the streets.

Points of interest

The Guardhouse

A Militant and defendable structure blocks entry and watches over the main thoroughfare into Imperial City, it's base a stone-walled structure that rises high into the air. The only entrance to the guardhouse is by tall ladders that can be pulled up in case of assault on the city, the structure is strategically placed to where defenders can sally forth to attack enemies who have passed into the city from their flank.  

The Obelisk

Towering above Imperial City upon a peak overlooking the expanse, the Obelisk serves as a magical ward against the Decay. Rumors from the keepers may range from saying "it wards against impurity and decay in the city's Jade supply" to even "keeping the Decayed out of the city although this has never been tested as our borders are strong.  

The Rift

Originally a small stream that ran alongside the city, now a millennia later it has carved a deep and treacherous chasm alongside the city. Rumor has it that the water from the city's sewer system has eroded into the rift and it's a possible entrance. The Rift is largely avoided due to predators that roam the nearby mountains and the steepness of the cliffs making it very difficult to traverse, though the local apothecaries are said to pay dearly for some of the rare fungi that grow in the dark recesses of the Rift.  

The High Gardens

Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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