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Jake Jakkar Jaj'kur

Brood King Jake Ghuyrak Jakkar Jaj'kur

Jake was once tasked with killing a elven hunter who had been hunting Jakeopods for days. He was shot with one of his poison arrows and nearly died, however some how survived. He has hated Hunters ever since. Jake eventually climbed the Jakeopod hierarchy until becoming leader. Eventually he was killed and with the power of the void was transformed into a god like creature, who now watches over the Jakeopods and Jake'Thar

Divine Domains

Jake floats aimlessly through space, mainly in the Jake solar system. Watching Jakeopods and blessing them by flinging organic meteors down into the atmosphere, with gems and equipment inside of the pods.

Holy Books & Codes

A bible like book was written about the story of how Jakeopod was killed and transformed into a God. This book is made from Shepar leather and the pages of dragon scales.


The day of Jake's death is honored has Ghuyrak by Jakeopods, other races usually think of this tradition of disgust however.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Jake's goals are to get the Jakeopods off of Jake'Thar and on to other planets to start the age of Astroneer. He also seeks to gain power and bio mass to become has powerful has new kin.

Physical Description

Body Features

Spikes on shoulders, eyes randomly located on body. Chitin plates protecting his arms.

Facial Features

He has the head of a normal Jakeopod besides having cyan stripes going from his eyes to the petals directly in front of them. He has six eyes, each on the three on each side of the head, he also has another pair on his inner face. His inner face is inside of the petals and has a long snake like neck, the face itself is also snake like.

Identifying Characteristics

Jake has a cobra like frill on his neck on his feathers their appears to be a large J pattern. His right hand is made of quartz with a piece of chitin attached to it, on his left hand is a claw, which only appears and acts like a normal hand, unless sharpened by this slab of chitin.

Special abilities

Jake is attuned with the Void and is possibly Cthozoths' champion, this is possibly how he survived the poison arrow incident.

Apparel & Accessories

Jake has a large black leather bag which appears to be anomalously large. Jake is seen pulling things out of his bag that are bigger than said bag.

Mental characteristics


Jake didn't have an education becuase Jakeopods think schooling is cruel, instead he was taught by being put into the wild and figuring himself out.


Jake was once a blacksmith before climbing the ranks.

Failures & Embarrassments

Jake attempted to kill a Rift Kitty but failed. He is still made fun of because of the event to this day.

Mental Trauma

Jake was once shot by a poisonous arrow and almost died. When someone mentions this event he huddles in a ball.

Personality Characteristics


He is motivated to keep the Jakeopods and their traditions alive.

Likes & Dislikes

Jake dislikes arguments and when people break Jakeopod law. He loves cats and snakes however. He dislikes it when creatures go extinct.

Virtues & Personality perks

Jake is cunning and kind however very defensive of his people and friends.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jake is addicted to fresh cookies and has a sweet tooth. He is also addicted to consuming void magic.

Personality Quirks

Jake is very helpful to people he doesn't know and is very hard to manipulate, despite this he is himself extremely good at manipulating others.


He is extremely afraid of disease and always keeps medicine on hand when someone is infected.


Family Ties

All of his family has died, his mother died giving birth to Jake, the rest of his family died in a large war against humans and Jakeopods.

Hobbies & Pets

Jake owns a cat called Max. In his large home he has a large snake known has Naga.


Jakeopod is fluent in french, English,Spanish and Jakespeak

Wealth & Financial state

Jake is infinitely wealthy because he has ascended to the level of god.

Intelligent, Calculating, Kind, Honorable, Chill, Stealthy,

View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Old one, similar to creatures like Yog'sothoth
Chaotic Neutral
350 Xexers
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Jakes birth was unexpected however was eventually necessary to Jakeopods
Ja'Luhhor'Alotha, The Brood Chamber
Current Residence
The Cosmos
Bright Cyan
No hair, Feathers on certain parts of body
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown & Tan Scales
200 ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Jake retreats into the shadows to feed."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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