{2,-2} Scotwood Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{2,-2} Scotwood

Lore Summary:

  Scotwood is a expansive temperate forest home to several advanced communities of Elves and Gnomes. Adventurers first made contact with the region's capital city of Faldboroughe when Queen Suthsania passed away, assisting with the delicate political situation caused by her assassination in making sure an appropriate replacement was chosen. As the city is sophisticated in magical arts, expeditions we launched there for festivals and research, and to build better relations. Following expedition have travelled to the other elvish cities and the gnomish town.

Story Hooks:

  • A cavern generating sulfurous odors was discovered under the Poshbark Well
  • The Prince of Enthuin'dail is attempting to rise to power within the city of Enthuin’dail
Environment: Urban, Forest
Included Locations
Landmarks: Scotwood Forest, House Majeure, Faldboroughe Throne Room
NPCs: Jelenex Suthsania, Queen Vadania Suithisuna, Arreleon Suithisuna, Korfel, Councilors Cyrilic, Loluria, and Cobar, Elder Poshbark
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Open (5/5)
Uncovered By: Morgan (DM), Scarlet, Velverelle,Panther, Arima


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