{2,-5} The Sunsword Isles Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{2,-5} The Sunsword Isles


An archipelago of desert islands with differing terrains. Each respective island is kept afloat by a powerful runestone which is defended by a fairy.

Quest Summary

  • Banished By Boat: Fenris and Borulle charter a ship to save Lancelot after he is banished and set adrift in the ocean. They find him inside a labyrinth on a desert island. They manage to save him but sink the island in the process.
  • Redemption Part 3: Lancelot crafted a new orb and took a party to raise the island. However, they found it had been occupied by Triton refugees. The party agreed to restore the Triton's home before raising the island. (Part 1 and 2 at Spectral Sands {9,3})
  • Redemption Part 4: The party liberated an enthralled Triton city from the domination of a dragon turtle spellcaster
  • Redemption Part 5: The party freed the island's guardian fey and Lancelot used the orb he created to raise the island to the surface.
  • What's Beyond There? Part 1: Lancelot wished to explore the other islands in the archipelago. A strange effect influenced Treyphon's mind, drawing them to the island of Ogygia. There, they found a deranged fae named Imo hugging an altar. When the party placed a rune stone on the altar, the island began to rise into the air.
Environment: Coastal, Ocean, each Island have different terrains
Difficulty: Open

Status: Explored (5/5) Uncovered By: Andrew (DM), Lancelot, Borulle, Fenris


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