{24,-1} Whitesea Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{24,-1} Whitesea


A coastal region covered with tropical vegetation, Sahuagin infested waters and sparsely populated land. Djaynai, the biggest town in Whitesea Region, is a peaceful land dominated by mangrove forests along the southern coast and jagged cliffs to the north. Its calm coastal waters are known as the Lightsea, but beyond a continental shelf the waters grow suddenly deeper. This is the Whitesea, the shadowy depths that hold the vibrant city of Janya.


  Irieyries, Kai Highwater, and Nazaria went to Djaynai to meet a Aubreck facing storms and mutinous ships, dock their ship successfully in the end. They then sailed out in a search for the Emperor of Waves but were impeded by Eldrich fog, Irieyries god granted the power to clear this fog and they found the derelict ship they were looking for and faced many dangers trying to claim the loot, in which Kia awoke an Elder Octopus the started destroying the ship which they had to fight their way out of through a horde of monsters as rowboats came to rescue them.   The Jaytowners later came to Djaynai to learn about the area and set out to debt collectors for a man named Aubreck and sailed to Uskarn, finding a lead taking them to Firewatch Island, on the way there they had combat with the ghost ship Tammeraut, but made it to the Island; however, once they landed they were beset by the natives (the Bakunawa) and driven inside a fortress. There they found mostly dead but three living and set to using the islands natural hazards such as snakes and meat-eating plants, as well as setting traps of their own to defend the place from the Badunawa siege.
Environment: Coastal, Forest
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Challenging (8/8)
Uncovered By: Enes(DM), Irieyries, Nazaria Dakila, Kai Highwater   DM Location:


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