{6,0} Robert Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{6,0} Robert


Robert is a cold region, where an ever frozen lake resides in the middle of the highest of mountains. The lake is said to be extremely dangerous, and few people dare to cross it. Having been isolated for a very long time, the region has peculiar naming habits: what would be considered people names are instead names for places, and vice versa.  


  • A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship...: Cailu found on the quest board a small note by Wagner, asking a literate adventurer to go to him. Wagner had received a mysterious letter from an even more mysterious person: he's certain he's never met this Brazil man nor the wife he mentions, Venezia. Cailu sets on an adventure for the far away village where the letter comes from: after crossing a perilous snowy mountain range, the village of Liam comes into sight. Cailu, however, found no trace of the existence of the two people. No one in the village seemed to know their names either. So where did the letter come from? Cailu stays in Liam for a while to investigate.
  • A plot is no more than footprints left in the snow…: Cailu continues his investigation in Liam village, with the help of his friend Yushi. The more they investigate, the less things seem to make sense. Speaking with local animals and trees only enhances the feeling that something is really really wrong. Their suspicions grow towards the young mayor of the city, Prague, who lives alone in a big fancy house. Things suddenly seem to take a turn for the worse when Yushi acts on the suspicion that Palermo is a vampire. He isn't, but a bigger problem is revealed. The two adventurers finally found the source of Liam's problems and slayed it, removing the threat from the village and receiving a generous reward for it.
  • Colder than Cold: The village of Phoebe lost some of its fishermen to an earthquake that was later revealed to be a cute married couple of frost worms. The party fought them, but had to retreat before taking any more losses.
  • Dangerous Desires of Self Discovery: Helping an unfortunate alchemist, the group ventures towards Robert to find the extremely rare gazpacho chipaua root.
  • The aftermath : London king of AustinAfter weeks of trials and tribulations (5sessions total) the jaytowner finally solved the source of the avalanches and wails happening around Liam village. Austin spire is fixed along with its guardian and London the alchemist has been made the new master.
Environment: Arctic
  Landmarks: Liam (watermill village), Hobbes (mountain range - the locals call it Calvin), Lake Ginevra, towns of Phoebe, Rachel and Monica (often at war with each other)
In Liam: Palermo, Prague
In Phoebe: Cambridge, Tokyo
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Challenging (5/8)
Uncovered By: MAle (DM), Cailu


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