{8,-4} Guandao Archipelago Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{8,-4} Guandao Archipelago


  • The Ronin’s Island: The party followed rumors to a rocky island outcropping in the ocean. They found a ronin and a shinto shrine kept by a small family through which a hostile spirit had crossed and besieged the area.
  • Shinto Search and Rescue: Serval Ljonsmidd , Orimo Brittlefoot, and Sada were trapped in the spirit realm with Sorik in the material plane. They worked with Amatarasu and Izanami to broker a deal, bringing the three back to the material plane in exchange for the soul of Serval's old sensei, Akiba.
  • Sincerity; A Virtue Binding Man's Past to His Future: Serval Ljonsmidd and Orimo Brittlefoot returned to the Guandao Archipelago to revisit the Kami and Shrine Keepers they had met. They discovered parts of Serval's past and successfully navigated a challenge to know themselves better before committing themselves to be protectors of the area.
  • Spiritual Voyage: Serval Ljonsmidd , Orimo Brittlefoot, and Two Birds returned to Guan Dao, discovering an eclipse had been linked to a spirit portal appearing. They ventured in, battling creatures of unknown origin to restore the nature order and start the cycle of the moon.
  • Fleeting Reflections: Serval Ljonsmidd and crew made there way to the Guan Dao archipelago to continue his search for more samurai, introduced to a small band of samurai. After meeting with they leader he vowed to help repair the shrines around the island to stop the spirits of the dead.
  • Fleeting Reflections 2:Serval Ljonsmidd and crew made there way to the Guan Dao archipelago to continue his search for more samurai, After meeting the other samurai serval and co learnt of how to purify the shrines and proceed to make there way to the first shrine in which secrets were and uncovered and uneasy alliances made
  • Part 3:Serval and crew made there way to the Guan Dao archipelago to continue his search for more samurai, make there way to there second shrine and managed to cleanse it, after which serval was able to fight him self in a mental world and claim a powerful ally
Environment: Mountain
  Landmarks: Shinto Shrine, Fisherman Hut, Spirit Realm
  NPCs: Ronin Akiba Koto, Shrine Maiden Sada Isa, Shrine Keeper Rakion Isa, Amatarasu, Izanami
Included Locations
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Challenging (7/8)
Uncovered By: Morgan (DM), Serval Ljonsmidd , Orimo Brittlefoot, Sorik, Bramrus, Aiden


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