{8,2} Everhome Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{8,2} Everhome


Thyransera in elven, Everhome in common. The high elf city is centered on a lake and surrounded by mountains. Nearby is the grove of Everleaf, the tree of Everhome, Beryl Falls, and the Ilvera Docks.

Quest Summary

  • Joe Gets Redemption (and a mother?): Joe Bluclu learns that his birth mother is still alive. Setting off, he finds that she is a Queen of a high elf city, Everhome. He has to prove his worth to stay within the royal lineage. (1/5 to built a settlement, split evenly between Ben, Jackson, Treyphon Talnin, and Jacob.)
Environment: Forest, Mountain
Included Locations
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Open (1/5)
Uncovered By: Mae (DM), Paeris Bluclu, I.T v2,Nalma, Treyphon Talnin, Gidyian


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