Forces of the Eye Organization in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

Forces of the Eye

The Force of the Eye is Garlthik’s gang of thieves, now in the somewhat awkward position of being both a criminal organization and the closest thing to a legitimate government in Kratas. The Force currently numbers at least a thousand members, as well as several hundred informants and other employees of the gang. The primary difference between the full members of the gang and their underlings is that all full members of the Force wear Amulets of the Eye.
  This means that informants are least trusted in the gang, as they cannot be directly watched by Garlthik, but their vital role in informing on the plans of those who wish the Force harm would not be possible if they openly wore their badges of allegiance. Other employees of the gang include servants and guards, who augment the numbers of the Force in patrolling the city. Such guards are always accompanied and supervised by full members of the gang.
  The gang itself is divided into a number of different groups based on the functions they carry out. These activities convey different stature within the gang, and an individual may be moved and promoted or demoted between these groups during his time in the Force.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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