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Moon Stone 1F

Peregrine is the dominant female of the Moon Stone pack, and the matriarch of the first of the Twitch legacies. Her playthrough ran from December 22nd, 2020 through March 4th, 2021, consisting of 3 litters and concluding when Peregrine was 5 years of age.

Peregrine tended to display boldness, though not to a reckless degree, showing a wariness toward stronger predators and when she was outnumbered, especially in her younger years. However, she also became more defensive in later years, after losing two of her pups to predators in her first litter. Despite her best efforts, Peregrine had an unfortunate propensity for getting into fights with bears, whether through being attacked by them, or simply stumbling on them unknowingly while exploring. She frequently feuded with Crevice Lake, particularly in the aftermath of the attack during which they took the life of one of her pups.

Life Story

Peregrine's story was played on Twitch from age 2 to age 5, spanning a total of three litters before coming to a conclusion. It was implied that the end of her third litter was not necessarily the end of her life, meaning that Peregrine and Remus may have gone on to have more pups in the future, though this has never been explored in canon.

Puphood and Adolescence

Not much is known about Peregrine's puphood. She is known to have originated from the Eclipse pack of Lost River, born to parents Kuro and Vae and receiving the Eclipse 4F designation. Most of her siblings are relatively unknown, with the exception of Arcturus, who is her older brother and littermate. Peregrine remained with her family pack in Lost River through her puphood and adolescence.

Dispersion and Travels

During late summer of her second year, Peregrine left her birth pack and began to travel across the mountains. Along the way she was captured and collared by researchers, sporting a new radio collar by the time she reached Yellowstone in autumn. There, Peregrine proved herself as a hunter, with some moderate difficulty, before setting out in search of a mate. However, this proved to be a far more troublesome task than she expected, as none of the dispersals she encountered seemed to be a good match for her. It took several days of searching before she finally stumbled upon a trio of brothers from the 8 Mile pack, taking an interest in 8 Mile 34M and ultimately deciding to court.

Peregrine and 8 Mile 34M spent some time in the Lamar Valley, learning to hunt together. The duo soon proved to be quite proficient, even able to bring down the swift mule deer with ease, and at times even preferring them to elk. 34M also showed some boldness in challenging the other local predators, even moreso than Peregrine herself tended to. After two successful hunts, the duo decided to finalize their courtship, with 34M revealing his name as Remus. Before heading to Slough Creek, they decided to test their skills one final time by hunting a cow elk-- emerging triumphant, if a bit battered, but confident that, when winter passed, they would be ready to face the challenges of the new year together.

Together, they crossed the mountains into the valleys of Slough Creek, ultimately settling near the more established Crevice Lake pack and carving out a territory on the plateau. With their new territory marking them officially as the start of a new pack, they took on the name of the Moon Stone pack, becoming its 1F and 1M founders.

Litter #1


Litter #2


Litter #3



Peregrine's story ended early, at age 5 as opposed to the age 8 typical to later runs. Because of this, the pack is considered to have disappeared from public view, rather than having met a certain end. It is possible Peregrine and Remus went on to have more pups in the future, but no canon confirmation of this has been given. Although no confirmation of Peregrine's demise has been provided, enough time has passed that it is presumed she would have died of natural causes, if not from unnatural ones.

Image Gallery

Promotional Art & Merchandise

Peregrine has been featured as the Twitch channel avatar and sub alert animation (2020-present). She is also featured as the Twitch channel awoo (howling) emoji, with both a static and animated variant.


  • Peregrine is the only wolf from either Twitch legacy to never age up, as her story entirely predates the age perk system, which was released in May of 2021. Because of this, even though her story canonically concluded at age 5, ingame she is still considered to be age 2, and never had any age perks.
  • She was also the second wolf from any canon to venture to Slough Creek, immediately following Aden of the Wayfinders pack on the day the Slough Creek update released.

Livestream Series Archive

Peregrine's story ran from December 22, 2020 through March 4th, 2021, spanning sixteen episodes and occurring over the Slough Creek update release. All sixteen streams are now available as an archive on the JayPlays 2 channel.

by JayZX535

Core Info

Sex: Female
Strength: -1
Stamina: 0
Speed: 2
Health: -1
Age Perks: None
Coat: Blacktail Deer Plateau Gray (kk)
Howls: 13 (Primary), 6 (Secondary)
Notched Right Ear (90%), Radio Collar, Neck Ruff (40%), Back Curve (30%), Mange Tail (15%), Fluffy Tail (40%)
90% Bold, 30% Loner, 75% Energetic
Deceased (Unknown Age & Cause)

Pack & Relations

Pack: The Moon Stone Pack
Designation: Eclipse 4F (Formerly), Moon Stone 1F
Pack of Origin:
Eclipse Pack
Birth Den:
Unknown (Lost River)
Kuro (Father), Vae (Mother)
Notable Siblings:
Arcturus (Brother)
Notable Offspring:
Puma (9F)
All Pups
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Ingame Bio:

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