Nareste, Ladies Maid

Narista is ladies maid to all the ladies of the house. She is privy to all gossip. She is loyal but has been underpaid as of late.   Nareste has of recent been serving as ladies maids to all the ladies of of the house though she formerly served only Ellandra. Wages have been reduced and they have been reduced before but this is the first time members of staff have left. She has been serving Granthara before lady Ellandra was house matron. Nareste has watched the decline of house Leshandras and at times expresses doubt but she has watched the family fortune resurrect itself from loan after loan, sometimes meeting with prosperity. She fears ruin but also understands the Leshandras need to keep up appearances. Who after all wants to invest in a family whose fortunes are falling and so she is part of the front line making the ladies look there best in an estate the Leshandras family could no longer afford.   She is aware that the family has enemies of whom Meerandre owes money but if a loanshark were to be outted it would only expose the family debt deigning to destroy the family Illusion which are the fumes this great estate are burning on as they pray for investment.   Juicy Gossip from Nareste-She does know that Teran is in the throws of a forbidden romance with the son of one of the Leshandras family creditors. Luthien has a tendency to play with the Staff. She is currently fondling the staff of Elendri the footman who brought you on board. Luthien Toys and grows tired. Nareste believes this to be something to do with stress. Nareste also knows that there is an up and coming wine merchant who wishes to buy the Leshandras estate outright named Plantare.   Information concerning Arista she is involved in a romantic affair with one of Ciarran’s hunting club who is a sailor for a shipping agent who may save the family fortune. Arista its the daughter of Ael Plantare of the plantation next door. She is best friends with the family girls Luthien and Teran and has been given a permanent room in the house. She seems to float willy nilly between the Leshandras and the Plantare households.
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