Paluntos is an ore found in the coral off the coast of Jessamyne. It has a peculiar glowing property that gets more intense as one gets closer to the center of Leathem.
Material Characteristics
Paluntos has a green glow that is usually stronger on one side. The light that Paluntos emirates changes as one moves almost imperceptibly.
Physical & Chemical Properties
The ore has a soothing property about it. It has made the wealthy want to possess it.
Geology & Geography
Paluntos is largely found in the core of coral reefs of the coast of Jessamyne It is found in smaller amounts in other areas surrounding the continent.
Life & Expiration
Paluntos will begin to deteriorate if it is taken too far from Leathem. It feeds of the core from which it was spun.
Smells of seawater.
Salty and tongue numbing.
Melting / Freezing Point
Melts at the same temperature as gold and is frequently used in jewelry.
Paluntos is an ore that is porous having been formed at the center of coral. Light can penetrate through it. Though it is opaque light can broadcast through it.
Common State
Paluntos is usually found at the center of a shell of coral. The ore is sometimes not evident until the shell is cracked and often transported some distance east.