Adolar Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Adolar is the king of the gods in the Helleflam pantheon. He is the god of sun and summer. He supports those in need and opposes all that is evil. Adolar is the master of time according the humans on Vandahl.   The flame is the essence of Adolar’s power and authority. Followers believe that life giving is the best cure for all the ills of this world. Expose the world to the Light and Darkness flees. The tenets of Adolar teach that absolute justice and freedom are brought through charity, modesty, and perseverance, and self-sacrifice. Priests teach that the truly strong do not need to show or display their strength and power. Instead they encourage followers to act and use their power performing good deeds and acts without the need to be recognized. By performing these acts evil does not have room to exist. Temples Adolar is wrathful against the forces of evil, especially evil that utilizes the undead or defiles and desecrates the dead. Many believe Adolar’s hatred of evil undead can be traced back to the desecration of the First Man by his brother Todas. Adolar encourages his followers to remember though that excessive attention to things of evil can blind you to the truly important things: compassion and goodness.   Adolar is a popular deity, greatly beloved by the common folk in Vandahl. Many of his clerics and priests travel throughout the lands and make mission trips into the "Wilds" carrying the message of Adolar, bringing light and healing into the dark places. They travel around healing the sick, blessing crops, helping the needy, and destroying evil and the undead. They are caring and compassionate but can be obstinate and strong-willed.   Adolar temples are tall building with expansive windows, often filled with stained-glass depicting the tenets of faith or major acts of Adolar. They are constructed to allow the maximum about of sun to shine into the temple all day. They also include large courtyards with outdoor structures celebrating the sun and light. Most notable temple is the Cathedral of Light, in Flamughn. All temple construction is always of the whitest granite and stone, while the decorations and trappings of the temples are often yellow and gold. Every temple will always include a hospital wing.

Divine Domains

• Domains: Light Knowledge,
• Portfolio: Sun, Light, Strength, Time

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a flame riding between the wings of an eagle.  His omniscience is reflected in the eagle’s supreme vision. Adolar’s omnipotence is the eagle’s talons and powerful grip. The ability of the eagle to soar wherever it desires represents the omnipresence of Adolar. Adolar Is All-powerful, All-knowing, and Everywhere. As an avatar, he is an older man with wild golden hair and beard dressed in white robes lined with gold.


Adolar major holy days and festivals take place on the solstices and equinoxes.   The Feast of the Golden Bowls, is offered on the day of Winter Solstice. During that day, priests and clerics give out bowls filled with sun squash soup; a late season squash that has bright orange colored pulp. This is celebrating the start of days getting longer and is often coordinated with the celebration of Akadi's Night.   Summer Solstice is the Holy Day of Adolar, known as "The Sonnheil" or "The Day of the Healing Sun". Miracles and a day of healing performed by priests and clerics of Adolar take place all throughout the Helleflam Empire.
• Lawful Good
• Domains: Light Knowledge,
• Portfolio: Sun, Light, Strength, Time
• Symbols: Eagle with Flame, The sun symbol, and old man with golden wild hair.
• Many Royal Guards take Adolar as their patron god since there the Kuntz family lineage is connected to the worship of Adolar throughout the Empire.
Divine Classification
Creator God


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