"The Blessed Seven" Helleflam Pantheon Organization in Jethiea | World Anvil

"The Blessed Seven" Helleflam Pantheon

The Helleflam Pantheon is the only sanctioned state religion that is followed by most of the citizens of the empire. Temples can be found throughout every major city and dot the countryside, whether they are ecumenical temples dedicated to all of the gods of the pantheon, or simple temples serving a single god. Humans tend to worship exclusively the gods of the “Blessed Seven”, the "Values and Behavior of Faith" Imperial Bull, decrees acceptance and open worship of non-pantheon gods within the Helleflam Empire. Though the list is short, the decree also outlaws the worship of specific gods, including gods and goddesses formerly of the Helleflam Pantheon.

The Blessened Seven

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