Akadi, The Mother of Magic

Akadi was the Dawn Titan, and has two known as personalities, first the Mother of Magic, with her came the raw magic that infused to the material plane of Jethiea. Whether known as her radiant energy or web or weave that traces itself back to her, she is the birth mother of the original magic in this world.

As Akadi - the Queen of Air, she was the space that surrounded the Asgorath’s creation of the lands. She was embodiment of the element of air, speed, and breath. As an immortal being of freedom and travel, she needed to move as much as possible from place to place and from activity to activity.

As one of the few Dawn Titans who did not war with the gods, she made allies with some of the gods to continue her presence with the races of the lesser gods. She also aided Asograth with reestablishing the connection to the children of the Material Plane and the gods and eventually healing the magic weave of Jethiea, thereby saving the world from destruction by the elements.

For her role in the violation, she was cast out from among the Danu. She now resides in the Elemental Plane of Air along with her daughter Ixion.
Divine Classification
Primordial (formerly Danu)


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