The Primordials

After the Fracturing, Asograth continued to watch the Children of the Creator Gods destroy the fabric of magic around Jethiea. Jethiea fell out of balance and the elements began to war against each other. 

The magic was depleted on the new world. And, without magic to keep them balanced, the elements began to war against each other. Mountains exploded with flaming rocks and magma scorched the land, large waves rose and crashed and rose again destroying everything in their paths, storms from above deluged the lands below and flooding and washing away the labor and toils of mortals. Fear filled all that heard and saw the thunder and lighting and all other forms of nature’s fury.

Asograth as a Danu, heard the prayers mortals and saw the damage of the world without balance and magic. Secretly, he went to his children the Primordials that did not turn on the Danu in the battle with Tharizdun and convinced them to return and begin to heal the new world. In time, Jethiea’ s magic began to heal and the fabric of magic strengthened. The elements began to come into balance as the bound of magic grew. Finally, when the magic was strong enough to hold all of the elements in check, Asgorath broke the vow of the Danu and spoke beyond the veil. He and his children appeared to the Tuathian and gifted them the touch and magic of the Primordials. He imbued them with the elements and gave them the mandate to protect Jethiea, his love and their world against any harm from god, man, or creature. They were to use their magic to maintain the balance of elements for the benefit of nature and the world. This time is known as “The Blossoming”.

This act of defiance cost Asograth everything he loved, the other Danu needing to prove their power absolute cast Asograth . Unable to stand by Asograth once again step in and began healing the world and its magic. As a punishment for violating the Fracturing the Danu cast out Asograth out to eternally wander beyond the Astral Plane separated from all that he loved and cherished.

In honor of Asograth’s sacrifice, time is often measured by the time since “The Blossoming”, when the magic returned to Jethiea

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