Asgorath, The World Shaper

Asgorath was the Dawn Titan known as the “World Shaper” and attributed to the creation of Jethiea. He was regarded as the creator of the of dragonkind as well, known to Dragons as the Father of Dragons, or Steward of Stewards. He influenced the destinies of all dragons until the War of the Gods began and Tiamat was lured away from the Danu to aid the Beguiled Gods. This betrayal cut deeply into Asograth and he retreated from all other Dawn Titans and creator gods, remaining close only to his lover the Dawn Titan Akadi.

Asgorath was supposed to encompass all alignments but was often regarded as neutral.

Asgorath is now known as a Primordial, the keeper of the elements along with his children. After the War of the Gods began, and Tiamat’s betrayal Asograth removed himself from all outside influence concentrating only on his creation. He watched as Jethiea suffered under the constant war between the Danu and creator gods, he also witness the destruction of nature and magic by the Creator God’s children. His heart saddened and he longed to ease the pain of creation. So, he gathered his children Ixion, Myrival, Gorash, Lehr, convincing them to not participate in the wars. Instead, they were to concentrate their divine presence on Jethiea.

After the Fracturing, Asograth continued to watch the children of the Creator Gods destroy the fabric of magic around Jethiea. Jethiea fell out of balance and the elements began to war against each other as his and his children’s influence retreated from the world. Unable to stand by Asograth stepped in and began healing the world and its magic. As a punishment for violating the Fracturing, the Danu cast out Asograth. His children were restricted to care for Jethiea from the elemental planes found in inner planes of the cosmos. Some believe that Asograth was cast to wander forever between the planes never able to call Jethiea or any place home.

Asgorath manifests himself before his followers. However, he makes his existence felt as a powerful presence in their minds. 

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a multicolored orb or disc.


Teampall Festival
Divine Classification
Primordial (formerly Danu)


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