Bahamut Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Called the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut is the god of justice, protection, nobility, and honor. 

He is one of the few ascended gods beginning as a mortal being, he was a "Steward of the Danu". During the Danomachy, Bahamut convinced his metallic brother and sisters to fight along side the allied gods and the Danu in the war. During the battle Bahamut raged against Tiamat herself and seeing an opportunity to banish Tiamat he sacrificed himself perishing as Tiamat was locked away from the material Plane.

For his selflessness, the Creator gods bestow their breath into him and was taken up into the heavens with them before the Fracturing.

Lawful good paladins often revere him, and metallic dragons worship him as the first of their kind

Divine Domains

  • Life,
  • Order,
  • War,
  • Nobility,
  • Protection,
  • Hope

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Typical symbol: Silver dragon's head in profile on purple field.
  • Life,
  • Order,
  • War,
  • Nobility,
  • Protection,

Divine Classification


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