Castra Building / Landmark in Jethiea | World Anvil



Wall & Trench 

Surrounding the Castra is a wall and ditch.
  • The Wall is quadrangular aligned on the cardinal points of the compass.
  • The wall has fortified towers along the top as well as a walkways along the entire length.
  • On every wall portion, there is a fortified door way access for personnel to get through.
  • Fossa, (a trench) with a rampart of excavated material surrounds the entire wall.
  •  The rampart and trench are made from roughhewn red brick of the region.
  • In front of this a brick wall with holes for a palisade of stakes is erected, during peace times the wall has no stakes in it.
  • The trench can serve also as a moat.
  • Towers are at intervals along the wall with positions between for the division artillery.



  • Two gates allow entrance into the Castra, the “Principal Gate”, and the “Sinister Gate”
  • The “Principal Gate” is the main gate and the only way to gain approved access into the Castra.
  • There is a tower on each side of the wall for gate security
  • The gate opens at the start of the first watch and closes at the start of the “Dog Watch”
  • The “Sinister Gate” is only opened by the direct order of the Sergeant at Arms.
  • At each gate there is a guardhouse on the inside of the gate
  • The Sergeant at Arms office is the guardhouse at the Sinister Gate
  • Around the inside periphery of the wall is a clear space, which serves to catch enemy missiles, as an access route to the wall for staging and as a storage space for cattle and livestock during peace times.
Founding Date
2589 AB
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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