Helleflam Empire (Human Empire) Organization in Jethiea | World Anvil

Helleflam Empire (Human Empire)

The human empire known as the Helleflam Empire controls and occupies most surface land on the Vandahl continent. The Helleflam Empire is the human kingdom, so the population of the empire is almost exclusively human. But, large strides of acceptance and integration of races have been taken since the ending of the War of the Chosen. The Empire has decreed to incorporate all accepted and known races into the fabric of the Helleflam Empire.


The Empire is ruled by the Royal Family, but the Emperor utilizes a noble court the called the “Helleflam Great Council”. Every noble family has a representative at the “Helleflam Great Council”. The Council functions as the bureaucratic management of the kingdom. While nobles manage their lands and finances within their provinces, through the Council they provide the necessary tribute for the operations and enforcement to uphold the laws and customs for all the Helleflam Kingdom.


The military is comprised of three distinct corps:
  • His Emperor’s Army
  • Torsaldot - City Guard
  • Konig Wache - Royal Guard
All recruits are sent to one fort for training, the military academy of Lerhrenspur. The recruits are indoctrinated into the military lifestyle, marching, and basic military and survival skills. Recruits endure intense and rigorous training during the early phase of training. After basic skills have been acquired the recruits are ran through a series of assessments tests to identify a recruit’s placement for service. Once selection has accrued the recruit is placed in one of the three military schools for further specialized training.


The religion of the Empire is commonly known as the "Faith of the Blessed Seven". Currently though, the Helleflam Pantheon includes sanctioned gods outside of the original pantheon.

One for the Many


  • Gemin'in Proper
  • Gemin'in Lower Districts
  • Helleflam Empire & the Rest of Vandahl (5th lvl)
    Known world at 5th lvl
  • Helleflam Noble House (political map)
    Helleflam Noble House (political map)
  • Demtodna - Demtodna Wards
    The Largest city in the Helleflam Empire, Demtodna is sectioned off by wards.
Founding Date
1706 AB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Executive Body
Royal Council of Seven – “The Great Council”
The Great Council is made of the ruling noble families of each of the providences and land holdings of the Helleflam Empire. They are advisors to the Emperor:
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories

Articles under Helleflam Empire (Human Empire)


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