Curia Arcanum

The clash between the arcane and the political creates plenty of intrigue and conflict for the Curia Arcanum since they remain to be loyal to the Empire and magic.

It is the Curia Arcanum's job to advise the emperor on all matters magical. Thus, they help to craft the laws governing magic, create magic items for use by Empire, and battled the direst of magical threats that present themselves to the Empire.

They are also responsible for overseeing and policing War Wizard activities. On the domestic side of things, the Magic Council is also a driving force behind research into all things arcane.

All available members of the Curia Arcanum meet once every month to hear the concerns of arcane spellcasters in Helleflam and consider all applicants who wished to join the Curia Arcanum and the War Wizards.

When out in the field, Curia Arcanum members spend some of their time dealing with lingering arcane effects that troubled the landscape of Vandahl. The Dead-zone and the region around the border of Vulken are especially afflicted in this regard. Also, there is a contingent of the Curia that exclusively research the lay lines of magic and sources of concentration at ley line hubs.

The Curia Arcanum has its headquarters in an aptly named "The Veiled Spires” located in Flamhughn and attached to the Grand University.

Outside of its headquarters, the Magic Council has minor sites located in each city represented in its political assembly. These locations are generally small, mostly serving as places for agents of the Curia to operate from whenever they are given a mission in the area.


Its leadership is made up of delegates representing each of the major schools of magic and each providence in the Empire.

Articles under Curia Arcanum


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