Kaela Schuler

Arch Mage Kalea Emilia Schuler

Master Abjurer (Adolflam) - Her appearance is much like her personality aggressive and a tad offensive. She loves life and the loves the power her magic yields, she considers it is important to offensive so her defensive magic can be used for maximum protection.

She comes from a military family so she is very patriotic and believes anyone living in the Empire should be grateful for the life they can live in the realm. Her skills and abilities were honed by military service as she advanced through the ranks as a War Wizard.

Though she believes in magic almost as a god itself, she is devote followed of Akadi, the Mother of Magic.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She has a couple tattoos of military significance.

Apparel & Accessories

Her bright Royal Azure blue wizard robes fit tightly wrapped around a shaped breast plate that includes breast with nipples, she then keeps her robes secured to the breastplate so the outlines show through the robe. Then the robes fall to her waist taken in by decorative belts to tie in around her waist and then cascading down over her hips to the ground. She wears ornamental shoulder rope boards of the rank of colonel, a twist of gold rope twists with two star shaped jewel buttons centered on the board.

Current Residence
The Veiled Spires
Rounded almond hazel eyes
Curly sandy blonde with silver and gray hair tied back and hangs down below her shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Porcelain peach tones
182 lb.
Aligned Organization


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