Ferdinand Montanegro

Sir Ferdinand Nabar Montanegro

Ingratiating noble cousin of Gunter, took up the role and duty of spy in his service to the Emperor, really just a way to avoid harmful service in His Emperor's Army.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ferdinand was raised in privilege, but since the two sisters of Gunter's and Ferdinand's exasperating results. Ferdinand's position demanded studies that he was less than thrilled to learn though highly intelligent and found learning easy, often grew bored of them, he would sneak out or persuade his instructors to excuse him from tutelage. He inevitably found his way to Gunter and mischief.

Both Ferdinand and Gunter were the second born of Helleflamian noble houses (Gunter from a lessor name), both were required to enter and serve in the military. Gunter was selected early on for the Konig Wache - Royal Guard because of his natural ability to any weapon he held, and was sent to Lehrenspur for training. Ferdinand and his predisposition to dismiss obligations went south to study far away from responsibility at the Jamieat Mustnira University in Gemin'in. He quickly fell in love with allure of intrigue, gamesmanship, and manipulation in the sociopolitical in Edelian culture, and he thrived.

LerhenspurAcademy and volunteered for the Diplomatic Corp so he could return to toliaison in the embassy. He served the Empire well in a professional capacity but rumors abound about his unchaste and sordid activities throughout Edel and the real reason for his reassignment. 


  • Jamieat Mustnira University (Gemin'in)
  • Lehrenspur Military Academy


Family Ties

Gunter and Ferdinand are cousins through their mothers. He is a Montanegro a family belonging to the lower court of House Griffin.

Religious Views

Ferdinand calls on any and every member of the Helleflamian "Blessed Seven" at his convenience and most appropriate at the time. 

Social Aptitude

Ferdinand is complex and smooth, a master at the art of reading and responding to a room.

Current Location
Date of Birth
30th of Farbenwame
Current Residence
Corvid Keep
Gunmetal Blue
A full head of red hair swept back
227 lbs


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