Corvid Keep Building / Landmark in Jethiea | World Anvil

Corvid Keep

The current home of Marv, Suavai, Mossy, and Den.


Special Properties

The pool room is made up of both portals and magical pools.


Mossy has begun to transform the garden room into her bedroom.

The group has paid for surveying the caverns below for possible expanded mining ventures.

The water system has been restored to all current functioning pipes and water station locations.


Kitchen- currently rated as basic (2,000 gp value)

Smithy – currently rated as fancy (2000 gp value) Requirements: Supplies, tools

Stables – currently rated as destroyed (value 0 gp) Requirements: 2500 gp to rebuild – 15 days- this includes construction material/carpenter

Clear Road & Repair Bridge Cleared northern road – 500 gp (paid)(timber and workers from Old Growth Inc since they kept the timber for sale)  Bridge – 750 gp with Hard hearts and Old Growth INC (paid)


Many years ago, rumor has it, two noted personages in the area, Rogahn the Fearless (a fighter of renown) and Zelligar the Unknown (a magic-user of mystery and power) pooled their resources and expertise to construct a home and stronghold for the two of them to use as a base of operations.

The location of this hidden complex was chosen with care, since both men disliked visitors and intruders. Far from the nearest settlement, away from traveled routes, and high upon a craggy mountain, the new construction took shape. Carved out of the rock protrusion which crested the heavily forested mountains, and hills, this mystical hideaway was well hidden, and its rumored existence was never common knowledge.Even less well known was its name, the Kruhn's Keep.

Construction of the new complex, it is said, took over a decade, even with the aid of magic and the work of hundreds of slaves and laborers. Vast amounts of rock were removed and tumbled off the rough cliffs into large piles long overgrown with vegetation. Rogahn and Zelligar lived in their joint sanctuary for quite some time, conducting their affairs from within except for occasional adventures in the outside world where both men attempted to add to their reputations as foremost practitioners of their respective arts.

The mountain stronghold was not completed in its entirety when, years later, the intrepid pair apparently embarked on their last adventure.


  • Ashbourne
    Map of Ashbourne (Proper)
  • From Ashbourne to Kruhn and Back
    The two ways to Kruhn's Keep
  • Floor Plan for the 1st Level of Corvid Keep
    The floor plan for the 1st floor of Corvid Keep
  • Corvid Keep 2nd Floor
    Second Floor of Corvid Keep

Articles under Corvid Keep


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