Myrival, Elemental Goddess of Water

Myrival is the second eldest of the Primordials but second only in power to her youngest sibling Ixion. Like her sister, she has no offspring other than the creatures of her native elemental plane of water.

Myrival is the Mistress of all water in the world known to consort with other gods of the water. She is also the Matron-Deity of seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams, as well as rainfall for the Tauthians and all druids. 

Myrival is a violent and temperamental Goddess, and her followers are keenly respectful in deference of her power and anger, which can stir the world’s oceans, and create terrible storms upon the seas. Her followers wear sea-green robes to represent the churning waters of their mistress, and are usually coastal Druids, Tritons, and other water creatures. Myrival’s followers erect great temples near coasts and great riverbanks and every temple has a waterfall or running water source as homage.

Myrival is a neutral elemental Goddess, but often has conflicts with both sister Ixon and brother Gorash.

Myrival; also known as Besar Ibu’air, the Great Mother of Water, among the Tritons in seas and oceans.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Myrival's symbol is a great golden Trident, made from the first minerals of the sea beds brought up in offerings from Triton Tauthians.

Divine Classification


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