Tan Morthwyl Kingdom Organization in Jethiea | World Anvil

Tan Morthwyl Kingdom

Within the Heaven’s Divide Mountains, sometime following the Fracturing and before the "Wars of the Chosens", five great dwarven clans established the Kingdom of the Tan Morthwyl. These five clans through their kingdom have maintained power in the central and southern region of the divide’s mountain ranges. Their history is longer than the current history of the Helleflam Empire. Each house controls a great citadel and various mines under its control. The ruling clans begin with the northern clan of Tinfuar, known as “Coldfire” near Snow Fire Pass. The farthest southern clan is Matraquat Aldhab, “Goldmace”. The other three clans are Mionarinn “Ironjaw”, Pronkshodik “Bronzegrip”, Airgidgarda “Silverguard”.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

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