The Green Man, Elemental God of Nature

The Green Man, the Father of the Forest is the primordial god of nature, in particular, wild nature. He is the offspring of Asograth.

Green Man is the master of nature. A recluse compared to his siblings no one knows his true name, but this was not always the case. Asograth gave birth to the Green Man before any of his other children knowing the role the Primordial of Nature would play on Jethiea. He was brilliant, creative, and beautiful, some say the most beautiful of all the Danu and Primordials. Working with each of his siblings he would create amazing works of nature for each of them. Until the Danu, Tharizdun, The Dark One captured the Green Man and changed everything. After his time in captivity, changed and tainted he withdrew from all others; finding only solace among the trees, plants and animals and sought refuge in the forests away from the other Primordials. His only communication with them was when he wanted to create in their domain.

The Green Man is depicted as a man's face, usually ranging from middle aged to elderly, appearing out of the wild of forest trappings. His face is always encompassed by or created out of leaves, vines, branches, and flowers, being born from the natural world and giving life to the it, symbol of growth and rebirth, the cycle of the forest after the purge or surge of fire and disaster. The eternal seasonal cycle of the coming of spring and the life. 
Worshipper of the Green Man believe that the races were born from nature’s bounty, after the world began, and the races are or should be directly tied to the fate of nature. It is the natural changing of seasons that presents the passage of time that ages Man, thus by depicting the Green Man in such a way that overly illustrates the races relationship with nature highlights the idea to worshippers that one cannot survive without the other. This union with nature and mutual reliance upon one another is evidenced through the cultivation and development of the natural world, and the fruits nature thereby provided.

Along with rebirth and reliance, there is one more powerful affiliation in the worship the Green Man. With the cycles of the year comes the end of the year; with the cycles of life comes the end of life; and with the excessive use of nature comes the eventual, end of nature. So, the Green Man's other important, powerful affiliation, then, is that of death and of endings. His face is reflected as an empty skull rather than flourishing man, once again made out of or exploding with greenery, cycle of the forest and life.

Worshippers protect places of nature from the encroachment of civilization with vigor and are foes to the industrial nature of civilization.

The Battle with the “Dark One” Early on during the formation of life and nature on Jethiea, Tharizdun, the “Dark One” driven mad lashed out against Green Man because the Green Man would not join him in creating a new world of chaos. Finding him in a secluded land creating life and nature the Dark One fought the Green Man. The battle raged and the essence of both the “Dark One” and the Green Man fell to the land and waters below. The lands forever changed below sprouted angry jungles and dark forests giving life to the dark and evil nature that creeps through the lands. Wounded and outbattled by the Tharizdun the Green Man was eventually captured and held by Tharizdun. The negative energy and magic that Tharizdun attack and subdued Green Man with infected him and all his creation. Some believed that this is the start of death and decay in the world and birth of necromancy.

Asograth quickly made war with Tharizdun after hearing of the fall and capture of the Green man, recruiting both his other offspring and the Danu, they brought war to Tharizdun and his allies. After rescuing the Green Man, the Dark One was cast off and imprisoned but the damage was done. Forever changed Green Man, retreated into the seclusion of nature to hide his shame he felt for his failure.

In an attempt to heal Green Man and prove his undying love, Asograth reached into his son to cutting out the evil and negative energy within Green Man. Asograth was able to remove portions and heal portions but not all of Green Man. It is spoken around druid fires, the lump of darkness and evil removed from the Green Man is what birthed the Fomorians and all of the evil giant races that wander the lands, including the unfortunate Hill Giants.

Green Man is known as the Father of Firblogs, Voadkyn, Verbeeg.
Divine Classification


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