Todas Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


– God of Death (Illegal Worship) Todas was one of the original gods that concocted a plan to take Jethiea from the Danu. His own brother turned against him and fought alongside the Danu and the metallic dragons in the War of the Heavens.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Trickery

Holy Books & Codes

When Adolar created man, Todas became angry with his brother because Adolar did so without consulting either his brothers or sister; Erdenon, Todas, or Shanwaser. Todas plotted to kill Adolar’s creation. Adolar learned of the plot to kill man and forbid Todas from killing man. Todas refused to let the grudge go and found a way to harm man without killing him. When man was alone away from Adolar, Todas fooled Wolkengot into helping him trick and trap Man; taking a portion of Man's life from so he was no longer immortal. After hearing what Todas had done to man, Adolar punished Todas. Since Todas proved he was able to take life from Man, Adolar cursed him expelled him from the heavens. He would forever wander the planes collecting and delivering the soul of man the rightful place in eternity as the god of death.

On the day the first man died, Todas was required to deliver his spirit to Adolar. Arriving at the cave of the gravesite of first man, Todas found the skeletal remains of Man and he took the femur bone of man to crave into a musical instrument. Todas played the instrument to lure the soul and spirit away from the body of Man, since he refused to touch Man.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A raven resting on a human skull and musical instrument made from a human femur

• Lawful Evil
• Domains: Death, Trickery
• Symbols: A raven resting on a human skull and musical instrument made from a human femur

It Is currently outlawed to practice the Worship of Todas within the Empire.

Divine Classification
Betrayer God


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