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Aralanian Pantheon

In the beginning there was nothing, then came the Four Great Beasts. First there was Illyr, the great Stag, of the element of Earth. Then there was Anatu, the Phoenix, with the element of fire. Thirdly there was Boda, the Great Whale, and the element of water. Finally, the last of the beasts was Jeln, the Great Eagle, lord of the element of air. With their arrival, out of nothing came chaos, for the Great Beasts found themselves locked in perpetual conflict. Out of this chaos rose Aralen, the God of Magic. When Aralen came to know themselves, they used their magic to tame the Great Beasts and lull them to sleep. When the Beasts were tamed the four elements no longer fought one another, from their harmony came the material plane. From their dreams the Fey wild, and their nightmares the Shadowfell.   However the Beasts were not easily quelled, and it took all of Aralen’s focus to keep them asleep. As time went on it took more and more until Aralen was finally forced to sacrifice their very being to trap the beasts forever. It was from this sacrifice that the first God's were created. When Aralen’s essence bound with Illyr’s, life began and the goddess Yedus was born. With her footsteps the earth turned green and where she rested trees began to grow. When Aralen bound with Anatu, there was light and Jontor, the Sun, was born. His light warmed the cold earth and allowed the plants to grow. Yedus loved him for this. When Aralen's magic touched Boda the water began to swell and Kyteus, the great Tempest, was born. Then, when the last of Aralen’s essence fell on Jeln the great wind blew and Emir, the Devourer, was created.

Mythology & Lore

Elemental Beasts
  • Illyr
  • Anatu
  • Boda
  • Jeln
  • Aralen
  Major Dieties   Minor Dieties

Cosmological Views

Religious, Pantheon
Subsidiary Organizations


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