Mexxerra Mezezi

Gilrokta Ethern Mexxerra Mezezi

Much like her adoptive mother, Mexxerra ascended from an unassuming stature to rise to the sovereign of the Ethernians. She continued her mother's policies of expanding the Ethernian state and strengthening the central government.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the Nivagran kingdom of Quzaqlem in southern Etha, Mezzerra was orphaned during the Sezzarian invasion. She was found by Sezzlic Denk, who brought her to Ethernia to satisfy the desire of his friend, Ethel Mezezi, to have a child of her own.   Ethel Mezezi accepted the child as her own daughter and raised her as her heir, just as Isora Mezezi had done for her. Just like her adoptive mother before her, Mexxerra had trouble adjusting to the new lifestyle, at first. By the time that she had come of age, however, she was a proper Seduni princess. She, unlike her adoptive mother and her adoptive mother, had a succesful marriage, in that it produced children. Her spouse was descended from the Mezezi line by blood, thus assuring that the "true" and "fake" Mezezi lines were mixed. As Mexxerra aged, she served as her mother's right hand- earning the title "Wel Ecran", or "Other Head", as she was essentially another monarch. She served as the Wel Ecran for decades and finally became queen when her mother abdicated.   Mexxerra's rise to the throne certainly signaled future peace with Etha, as Mexxerra and the current queen of Etha, Gotzela Jason, were raised together under Ethel's education for several years on request of Glerigh before he passed away. Their relationship was so close that, to further secure her daughter's ascension after her, Mexxerra married Iokal to Gotzela's youngest son- Utezh. Both families had a tradition that provided an oddity for their union: Mezezi's married matrilineally, as the rulership went down through the female line, while in Etha the Jason surname was dominant in marriage, with all children born from the union of a Jason becoming a Jason (If perhaps usually taking their non-Jason father's name as well). There was not much that arose out of this. The two queens agreed that any children from the union would inherit only the crowns of Ethernia, not being considered for Etha. Besides such business, she focused on furthering the state's reach. She gradually had chipped away at the independence of the Legani kingdoms for several decades under her mother's reign and now continued that practice, successfully ordering several of them into administrative provinces collectively headed by their native king. She successfully assisted Vorgi in establishing hegemony over the Orrik region and further subdued several clans in the Kolkal, turning them "civilized" and settled. Perhaps one of her greatest projects, however, was establishing the Ethernian diet. This diet was a gathering of the regional rulers and representatives from around the Ethernian state. They convened when called by the Gilrokta Ethern, initially only during times of strife or when there were important demands. Over time, however, it was empowered to become a legislative force in the kingdom. It would, in the modern day, become the legislative body of the entire state and held representatives from all of the regions which convene to discuss law and policy. Her reign was surely shorter than that of her mother's, but it was still effective and important. Her daughter's reign would come soon and it was, importantly, secure.


Family Ties

Ethel Mezezi - Mother. Isora Mezezi - Grandmother. Sezzlic Denk - Close Male Figure.

Religious Views

Standard practitioner of Ethaine.


Gotzela Jason

Friend (Important)

Towards Mexxerra Mezezi


Mexxerra Mezezi

Friend (Important)

Towards Gotzela Jason




Brought to Ethernia to be educated under Ethel's tutelage, Gotzela met Mexxerra and the two became very close.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gilrokta Ethern.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1085 A.K. 1141 A.K. 56 years old
Parents (Adopting)
Blue eyes.
Long-haired brunette.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin color.


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