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Cloud Giant

Cloud giants are large even by the standards of most giants. While few live in the clouds (at least not anymore), they do typically live in high areas such as mountaintops, often above the cloud line itself. Some ancient cloud giants do retain ownership of cloud castles, structures built literally from the clouds themselves. The knowledge of how to build such structures has been lost though some believers of ancient rumours suspect the knowledge to be found in some hidden library somewhere.

Cloud Giant Description

Like other giants, cloud giants trace their lineage back to Annam the All-Father. They stand about 24 feet tall and weigh 11,500 pounds making them some of the largest even among other giants. Cloud giants typically have attractive and well-defined faces with skin that is milky white or sky blue. They typically wear fine clothes that demonstrate their wealth. When wearing protective gear, they rarely wear armour and instead, prefer magical protection.

Cloud giants rarely show their real faces in public, instead, they tend to wear masks as Memnor (the chief deity of cloud giants) does. These masks are usually fancy, adorned with precious gems and metals. They will often have a variety of masks to express different moods that they might be feeling at a given time. Of course, having so many ornate masks comes at a cost and only the richest of cloud giants can afford the myriad masks required to express a full range of emotions.

Cloud Giant Families

  Cloud giants tend not to live in large groups or settlements; they prefer to remain more discreet and out of the way of others. Instead, they tend to live in small family groups. Typically, this includes a mating pair, their children if they have any and possibly some close relatives. It’s not that cloud giants are fearful of any particular foe, but the treasure they would amass together would likely attract an endless stream of adventurers and dragons that cloud giants would prefer to avoid the hassle of, similar to how humans might sweep clean their floor to avoid the annoyance of a rat infestation.

While living in relative isolation, cloud giants are aware of, and know their nearest cloud giant neighbours, even if the distance between them is hundreds of miles away. If there is a problem, they are quickly able to mobilise together if there’s a necessity to assemble.

Many cloud giants do like to take on pets such as wyverns, griffons or owls. Typically, they choose beasts of the sky due to where they live.

Place in The Ordning

The ordning is the method by which giants determine their social status. Cloud giants retain elevated status among other giant types, but within cloud giant society, their order in the ordning is dependant primarily based on the wealth they display (hidden wealth does not count). Often, this is shown-off ostentatiously within their homes with gold-leaf framed windows, pearl encrusted tapestries or many other extravagant displays of wealth.

Gift giving is another way that cloud giants demonstrate their wealth. While cloud giants do not gain some great feeling of fulfillment by gift-giving, doing so publicly demonstrates the extent of their wealth. Typically though, they will attempt to do so by giving the impression of a valuable and wonderful gift that actually, is less valuable than assumed. This usually works as the receiver of the gift is unlikely to “out” the gift giver as this would undermine the presumed wealth and status in which they are regarded as well.

  Wealth is often gained by demanding tribute from those dwelling in the lands over which the cloud giants claim ownership. They feel justified in doing so based on their superior impression of themselves and the fact that they provide greater safety by their mere presence. Other creatures such as dragons will generally steer clear of a cloud giant’s land. Of course, the cloud giants tend to see the logic of this arrangement more than their subjects. Typically, this tribute takes the form of livestock and crops, though cloud giants are renowned for growing stunning gardens of huge plants as avid gardeners themselves.

Cloud giants will also amass wealth through gambling with one another. This is more than a mere pass-time or form of entertainment, rather, it is viewed as a bloodless feud between different families with each cloud giant taking great offense at any loss with family lines holding grudges for generations with the intention of besting another family in their game of choice.


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