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Fire Giant

Fire giants are master craftsmen. They were the officers, engineers and crafters of the ancient kingdom of Ostoria and maintain their skills even now making them haughty and arrogant individuals. Often, they’re busy building increasingly powerful and formidable weaponry as their abilities in combat are considered only second to their craftsmanship.

Fire Giant Description

Fire giants stand about 18 feet tall and weigh over 7000 pounds. Proportionally, this is much heavier than a human of that height and this is primarily due to their stocky nature making them almost dwarf-like in their gigantic appearance. They tend to have dark, coal-like skin and orange or red hair with similarly red eyes.

Fire giants tend to wear armour of steel or dragonscale using flame-coloured or black, singed styling for their appearance.

Place in The Ordning

  The ordning is a method by which giants determine social status within their hierarchy. Fire giants retain elevated status among other giant types, but within fire giant society, their order in the ordning is dependant primarily based on their ability to craft fine weapons and structures of incredible artistry and technological genius. Prowess in combat is also considered important, but often, it is recognized that one’s ability to win in combat is dependent upon their ability to create weapons and armour to overpower their opponent.

Leaders of fire giants are chosen based on their crafting ability with masters of the craft often training students (usually children or siblings but sometimes other fire giants too).

Fire giants don’t tend to craft items of intricate artistry, though they do claim that their prowess in metal work is an art form of its own. They do however, mine for precious gems and metals with which to create items of great power. They will sometimes create jewellery but most of what they build is functional in purpose and the finest creations are displayed in a stronghold much like a museum might display the finest inventions or artwork within them.

One group of fire giants known as dreadnoughts, do not place their position in the ordning based on craftsmanship. Instead, they focus on their physical prowess with the strongest and most powerful dreadnought taking the position of leader among them. They tend to take on the function of guards of the forges with the crafters in turn supplying them with weapons and armour making their relationship mutually beneficial.


Fire giants are excellent warriors and keep themselves in top physical condition through a process of exercise and combat drills. They each know a range of combat techniques making them formidable foes.

Fire giants are, however, poor tacticians. Back when the giants all worked cooperatively, it was the cloud and storm giants that operated as the tacticians determining where combat would be fought and how. Such knowledge is not widely held with fire giants.

Instead, fire giants tend to fight in many skirmishes, mainly to maintain land they already hold rather than extending their area of influence. If a fire giant leader ever did become a master tactician, the fire giants could become a formidable army, sweeping across the realms.


Fire giants will work with other races when it suits them. Typically, this is an enforced situation where “weaker” races will be subservient to the fire giants. Often, they will use things like mages to create fire elementals and other guardians for their forges and strongholds and creatures like trolls as guards too. Trolls tend to be viewed favourably as guards as they require little maintenance, are powerful enough to ward off most foes and are weak to fire making them little problem for a fire giant to dispatch.

Other creatures are used for general labour and the types of tasks fire giants do not want to engage in. Even intelligent creatures are usually given menial tasks as the skills that most humans have, are generally considered of little use to a fire giant.


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