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Frost Giant

Frost giants choose to settle in ice cold regions such as the snowy spires of Icewind Dale. They feel comfortable in the cold and find anything warmer than a body to be like the heat of a naked flame. Frost giants are brutish beings that settle disagreements with shows of pure strength.

Frost Giant Description

Frost giants are some of the tallest of the true giants standing at about 21 feet tall and weighing about 8,000 pounds. Frost giants are typically blue or white in colour as is their hair though it can sometimes grow into a dirty yellow colour. Male frost giants will often grow matted beards of hair, frost and icicles. Frost giants will typically wear furs and pelts of the animals they’ve killed and chainmail and helmets for protection.

Place in The Ordning

  Like other giants, frost giants follow a hierarchical status known as the ordning in which the status of each giants is determined by their capabilities. For frost giants, the ordning is determined by their strength and where a disagreement arises, this is typically resolved by wrestling or sometimes rock throwing or hunting.

To demonstrate their position within the ordning, frost giants will keep trophies of their defeated foes. Often these will be horns or tusks or similar items while defeated foes of intelligent creatures will typically have a sword or other weapon displayed as a memento and evidence of their victory. Weapons and armour also demonstrate a frost giant’s victories. Notches and marks carved into the equipment will show the number and type of foes a frost giant has defeated. Mementos such as horns or feathers might be affixed to their armour to show their victories too.

Intelligence and cunning is considered of little value for frost giants when it comes to the ordning, brute strength is all that matters. Some frost giants that are naturally weak are doomed to a lifetime of a lowly rank. Some such giants though, might turn to Vaprak, god of trolls and ogres, who sometimes grants extraordinary strength to the frost giant seeking his favour. In such cases, the frost giant will be transformed into an everlasting one with the strength to even challenge for leadership. Such worshippers of Vaprak are frowned upon however, and any giant discovered seeking power in such a way will be cast out of the clan.

The respect frost giants have for strength is not exclusive to other frost giants. They are the most likely giants to accept non-giants into their clan and allow them a position in the ordning. Though incredibly difficult, a human could gain position in the ordning through displays of incredible strength such as defeating a polar bear in unarmed combat or even defeating a frost giant in a wrestling match.

Frost Giant Culture

  Frost giants do not make things for themselves apart from basic leather clothing and things carved from bones. Anything they need, they will plunder from nearby settlements. Typically, they plunder under the cover of a blizzard, seeing this as a sign from Thrym that he blesses their attack. Typically, their raids will consist of taking livestock, forged goods, alcohol and large gems.   They will often take on animal companions, but have little concept of training or raising an animal, instead, they tend to beat the creatures into submission. Such creatures will become hunting companions and guardians of their lair though those that do not comply will become the frost giant’s dinner. Often, these creatures include polar bears, winter wolves, mammoths and remorhazes raised from birth.

Frost Giant Religion

  Thrym is the god of the frost giants and great rival of Surtur who would both vie for the All-Father Annam’s affections. While frost giants pride themselves on Thrym’s victories in combat over Surtur, Annam favoured Surtur’s finely crafted gifts over the trophies brought by Thrym. Thrym is usually depicted with 10 shield brothers and sisters, legendary frost giants that won such incredible glory that they’ve been immortalized at Thrym’s side.


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