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Grungs are aggressive froglike humanoids found in rain forests and tropical jungles. They are fiercely territorial and see themselves as superior to most other creatures. Grung society is a caste system. Each caste lays eggs in a separate hatching pool, and juvenile grungs join their caste upon emergence from the hatchery. All grungs are a dull greenish gray when they are born, but each individual takes on the color of its caste as it grows to adulthood. From lowest to highest caste, grungs can be green, blue, purple, red, orange, or gold.   All grungs secrete a substance that is harmless to them but poisonous to other creatures. A grung also uses venom to poison its weapons. Grungs are always on the lookout for creatures they can capture and enslave. Grungs use slaves for all manner of menial tasks, but mostly they just like bossing them around. Slaves are fed mildly poisoned food to keep them lethargic and compliant. A creature afflicted in this way over a long period of time becomes a shell of its former self and can be restored to normalcy only by magic. Being amphibious, grungs require water to live; any grung that fails to immerse itself in water for at least 1 hour during a day becomes quite exhausted.   A grung normally remains in its caste for life. On rare occasions, an individual that distinguishes itself with great deeds can earn an invitation to join a higher caste. Through a combination of herbal tonics and ritual magic, an elevated grung changes color and is inducted into its new caste in the same way that a juvenile of the caste would be. From then on, the grung and its progeny are members of the higher caste.


Green Grungs

  Green grungs are the lowest class, acting as basic laborers, hunters, and they fill out the rank-and-file bottom rung of the grung warriors. A green grung tribe member is the most likely to defect (since they're on the bottom of the pecking order), and they're the most commonly encountered type of grung.

Blue Grungs

Blue grungs are one step above the green, typically working as artisans or watching the young. The blue grungs are the least combative of the castes, and you're probably not likely to encounter a blue grung on the outskirts of grung territory.

Purple Grungs

Supervising the blue and green grungs are the purple grungs, the managerial and administrative caste. Each purple grung commands soldiers, sees to the laws, and generally keeps the society working.

Red Grungs

Above the purple grungs are the red grungs who are always either scholars or are magic users. Red grungs keep the tribe’s histories and perform auguries for their sovereign.

Orange Grungs

Above the red grungs are the orange grungs, the elite warriors and chief commanders in leadership positions second only to the royal caste. Most orange grungs work directly with their tribe’s sovereign and it's not uncommon to see an orange grung in charge of large parts of the tribe’s territory.

Golden Grungs

The golden grungs are the absolute ruling caste of grung society and are the rarest of grung kind. Every tribe’s sovereign is always a gold grung and they are rarely seen outside of their treetop “palaces”.


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