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Trolls are massive, predatory species of giant-kin, they are considered "stupid bastards" by other species of giants except for ogres, who are treated the same way. The most distinctive feature of trolls is their ability to regenerate. If any part of a troll's body is cut off, it will grow back after a while and the felled limb has a chance to evolve into an entirely new troll. The only things that can stop this are fire and acid, both of which trolls fear greatly.


A troll is a monstrous giant with a rough, green hide, clawed hands, and a bestial face with a hideous, tusked underbite. These fearsome monsters regenerate all damage not inflicted through fire or acid, and a full-sized troll can regrow from even a tiny scrap of flesh. Appearance
Male trolls typically stand 8 feet tall and weigh 300 pounds. Females are larger, weighing up to 500 pounds and sometimes reaching heights of 10 to 12 feet. Trolls have a hunched posture that can make them appear shorter than they actually are. Their skin is usually green, with females having darker shades than males.


The young are raised by the females, who drive away adult males (as the males would otherwise eat their own young). The females live in family groups, casting out or killing (typically by drowning or starvation) any members who show weakness. The males live as solitary hunters, preferring to lair in caves or dark woods.


Trolls believe they were created by the demon lord Urxehl, who loves to test them by inflicting upon them incursions of ogres and humans, storms and (worst of all) forest fires. Urxehl sometimes grants his followers the power of divination; such trolls are known as augurs, and predict the future by ripping out their own entrails and reading omens from them. Trolls are known to sometimes keep winter wolves as much-abused pets, relying on trollish regeneration to survive the wolves' sharp fangs and freezing breath.


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