Aasimar ((ace-imm-are))

Aasimar are human-based planetouched, native outsiders that have in their blood some good, otherworldly characteristics. They are often, but not always, descended from celestials and other creatures of pure good alignment, but while predisposed to good alignments, aasimar are by no means always good.

Basic Information


Aasimar bare the mark of their celestial touch through many different physical features that often vary from individual to individual. Most commonly, aasimar are very similar to humans, like tieflings and other planetouched. Nearly all aasimar are uncommonly beautiful, and they are often significantly taller than humans. While several aasimar are immediately identifiable as such, others are even less distinguishable than tieflings from their human ancestors, commonly standing out with only one unusual feature. Most aasimar have pupil-less pale white, gray, or golden eyes and silver hair, but those descended from planetars can also have emerald skin, while those descended from avoral celestials might have feathers mixed in with their hair. Those descended from ghaeles often have pearly opalescent eyes. Solar-descended aasimars often have brilliant topaz eyes instead or silvery or golden skin and those with couatl or lillend lineage most commonly have small, iridescent scales. Many aasimar also have a light covering of feathers on their shoulders, where an angel's wings might sprout. As in tieflings, aasimar bloodlines can sometimes run dormant for generations, reemerging after being hidden for some time.

Biological Traits

Aasimar bare the mark of their celestial touch through many different physical features that often vary from individual to individual. Most commonly, aasimar are very similar to humans, like tieflings and other planetouched. Nearly all aasimar are uncommonly beautiful, and they are often significantly taller than humans. While several aasimar are immediately identifiable as such, others are even less distinguishable than tieflings from their human ancestors, commonly standing out with only one unusual feature. Most aasimar have pupil-less pale white, gray, or golden eyes and silver hair, but those descended from planetars can also have emerald skin, while those descended from avoral celestials might have feathers mixed in with their hair. Those descended from ghaeles often have pearly opalescent eyes. Solar-descended aasimars often have brilliant topaz eyes instead or silvery or golden skin and those with couatl or lillend lineage most commonly have small, iridescent scales. Many aasimar also have a light covering of feathers on their shoulders, where an angel's wings might sprout. As in tieflings, aasimar bloodlines can sometimes run dormant for generations, reemerging after being hidden for some time.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar reproduce like humans- but the child will always be whatever their partner is. If both are aasimar, the offspring will be human.   The rest of the aasimar are sent down to the realms by angels of Tilleas

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar are sent down to the realms at twenty or older.

Ecology and Habitats

Aasimar thrive everywhere besides the Underdark and Gradia.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aasimar only require hydration.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Aasimar look human- yet they have glowing eyes or vibrant hair colors.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aasimar live everywhere besides the Underdark.

Average Intelligence

Aasimar have human level intelligence, yet they have slightly more intuition.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aasimar have improved vision in both the light and dark, but the rest of their sensory capabilities are the same as humans.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Aasimar are very picky with what they see as beauty.

Gender Ideals

All genders are abundant.

Relationship Ideals

Aasimar have humanlike relationships.

Major Language Groups and Dialects



Aasimar have no history. They simply began as a race when Tilleas ascended.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aasimar dislike tieflings and minotaurs.
Scientific Name
Average Height
5'5-6'5 on average.
Average Weight
Varied heavily.
Average Physique
Aasimar have a human physique.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Aasimar have human skin tones.
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