

Grendera is an emirate, meaning it is ruled by an emir (prince) and their council of advisors. Upon the emir's death, the council votes in one of their own members. This can cause civil wars, bribes, and general corruption. The real ruler in Grendera is whoever has the most money, as they can simply buy their way onto the council and into rulership.


The culture of Grendera is largely based around the false idea of 'meritocracy.' Everyone is taught at a young age that anyone, no matter who they are, can become rich councilmembers (and possibly an emir). This draws in many immigrants, although they are accepted. Racism hardly exists in Grenderan culture.   Adventurers are highly incentivized in Grendera due to the vast expeditions heading eastward into the unexplored plateaus. Bounty and quest boards dot the capital city's streets, while many different guilds take up residence in the buildings alongside them.

Public Agenda

Grendera has close ties to many religious organizations, most notably the Cult of Tolbath. One of the council members, Kirecera Zarzareth, has been pushing Grendera towards theocracy. Meanwhile, the rest of the council seeks to gain more wealth and power within the nation's government. Thankfully for them, money is power in Grendera.


The nation is incredibly rich and is overflowing with equipment, but their manpower is sparse.

Demography and Population

Surprisingly, Grendera is one of the few nations that has little to no humans within it. Since the four primary races in Grendera are all discriminated against regularly, they are very accepting of one another. The population is split into four primary races, Aasimar, Tieflings, Genasi, and Dragonborn. Dragonborn typically have the most councilmembers.


Creyder's borders are basically nonexistent due to the Dune Seas.


Grendera's army mostly consists of mercenaries and hired adventurers. Fortunately and unfortunately for them, their army hasn't been needed for a few hundred years. They have grown stagnant and vulnerable to invasion or unrest.

Technological Level

Grendera is slightly behind in both technology and science.


Many religions are present in Grendera, but the three most notable are Tilleas, Itorius, and the Cult of Tolbath.

Foreign Relations

Grendera is not very friendly with other nations, but it does not intrude on other peoples' matters.

Wealth, Comradery, Triumph

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Coins
Neighboring Nations