Drow/Dark Elf ((dr-ow))

Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. Dark elves (drow) were a race of elves living in the Underdark. They were entirely wiped out by the Cataclysm.

Basic Information


Drow have skin with an ashen texture instead of the normal smooth skin of elves. Their skin is generally tougher than other races. Their blood has a purple tone, causing their skin to be the color that it is. Drow also have thicker blood to adjust to the underground pressure difference.

Biological Traits

Drow can reach up to 750 years of age, but 675 is the average (unless your realm explodes). They are taller than both normal elves and humans at an average of 6'2 (1.9 meters). They are stalky and carry less fat than most races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dark Elves reach maturity at forty years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

The drow are entirely evolved to live in the deep depths of the Underdark. They aren't accustomed to the surface and therefore are much less equipped for daytime. Rain and storms can weaken any exposed skin due to the ashen texture being washed away.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Drow need more protein than humans due to the pressure of the Underdark. They also tend to need less water since their blood is thicker.


Drow tend to be more aggressive and assertive since the resources of the Underdark were scarce. Their society grew up hand-in-hand with competition.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Drow typically have purple or other rare eye colors, along with skin that has a purple tint. Dark elves also have more pronounced jawlines than others of the like.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Drow used to live in the Underdark of Fienden and occasionally in the wrapping tunnels of Nerfaya.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drow have exceptional darkvision but poor eyesight in the light.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Drow typically have more latin-based names.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dark elves speak common, elvish, and undercommon.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dark Elf culture has a lot to do with the arcane crystals they mined shortly after being trapped. They have annual festivals to celebrate their arcane gift. Children born in the Underdark are given purple gems that grant them magic without the need of biafel. The crystals are thought to be a strange combination of uranium, plant-matter, and mercury. Surprisingly it has no known harmful effects.


The Drow had a long and troubled history. They were originally Wood Elves that lived in the alpine forests of Fienden, hunting for food on the mountainside. An unknown disaster or war forced them underground against their will. The entrance collapsed behind them immediately after they entered, trapping them there for six-thousand years. Their bodies adjusted to the darkness and strange conditions of the Underdark.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Drow are stalky, tall, and appear slightly less muscular than other races. As opposed to their appearance though, they tend to be on the strong side.
Geographic Distribution


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