
Treefolk are sentient plant creatures who can come from many possible sources, such as: being awakened by magic, via a cursed transformation, grown from spellwarped seeds, or the seeds of other treefolk.

Basic Information


As their name implies, Treefolk resemble walking trees. Their torso resembles a tree trunk, stumpy legs and root-like appendages for toes; long boughs for arms and long branch-like fingers, a torso resembling a treetrunk, very little neck, and a face framed by thin, leaf-filled branches instead of hair. Each Treefolk's leaves and bark strongly resembles a specific kind of tree, such as birch, elm, oak, pine, etc. Treefolk breathe and can eat or drink, though most treefolk absorb nutrients by taking root at night. Depending on the type of tree they resemble, the leaves that make up their hair may change color or even fall off with the changing of the seasons.

Biological Traits

As their name implies, Treefolk resemble walking trees. Their torso resembles a tree trunk, stumpy legs and root-like appendages for toes; long boughs for arms and long branch-like fingers, a torso resembling a treetrunk, very little neck, and a face framed by thin, leaf-filled branches instead of hair. Each Treefolk's leaves and bark strongly resembles a specific kind of tree, such as birch, elm, oak, pine, etc. Treefolk breathe and can eat or drink, though most treefolk absorb nutrients by taking root at night. Depending on the type of tree they resemble, the leaves that make up their hair may change color or even fall off with the changing of the seasons. Treefolk are medium creatures, but grow to be nearly ten feet tall. They usually do not wear clothing, but can fashion belts and such to hold their possessions. Non-treefolk usually cannot tell male treefolk from females.

Genetics and Reproduction

Treefolk reproduce via seeds.

Ecology and Habitats

Treefolk live exclusively in forests where they can spread their roots and absorb light/energy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Treefolk use photosynthesis for 'food' and absorb nutrients through soil when they root.

Biological Cycle

Treefolk (depending on the type) lose leaves in the winter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most treefolk claim their own territory much like an animal, which may be any size up to several square miles of forest. A treefolk will aggressively defend the trees within their territory if it is threatened by invaders.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Treefolk primarily live in Sargot, Nerfaya, Gradia, and the Misty Isles. They are also present in other places but it is uncommon.

Average Intelligence

Treefolk have slightly higher intelligence than humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Treefolk have the same sensory capabilities as humans.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Treefolk can have birds and other species living in them.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

All genders are abundant.

Relationship Ideals

Treefolk do not have romantic or sexual relationships.

Average Technological Level

Treefolk have the same technology as elves. This means they have no form of guns.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Treefolk speak Sylvan.

Common Dress Code

They usually do not wear clothing, but can fashion belts and such to hold their possessions.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most days for a treefolk begin and end in the forest. After sunrise, the treefolk will uproot themselves and search for a spot where they can absorb the most light possible. Part of their day will be spent wandering through their wooded territory, keeping track of all the trees in their care. Occasionally they will cooperate with druids or rangers, even asking them for aid if the threat to their lands is greater than they can handle alone. At dusk, treefolk will find a patch of rich, moist soil and root down into it for the night, absorbing nourishing nutrients and water until sunrise the next day.


Treefolk were one of the first species in the realms. They originally only gathered in small groups when absolutely necessary, staying away from others as much as possible. This caused them to begin developing as a species only once other intelligent life arrived to their realms.
Scientific Name
Average Height
5-10 feet tall.
Average Weight
Dependant on the size and type, but they can grow up to 500 lbs.
Average Physique
Treefolk are quite strong, even though they have no muscles.
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