The Denauntian Republic


Presidente: The Presidente of Denaunt single-handedly manages the federal government. Gobernador: Gobernadors manage individual settlements.   Generale: Generales manage the army and navy.


The culture of the Denauntian Republic is split in two.   The culture of Elasvura is built upon protecting their land and prospering. Elasvura has never declared war on another faction, with the intent to grow wealthier and wealthier by promoting trade with the Archipelago Kingdoms, in which own the realm gate in Denaunt. The people understand this and will defend their home to the last man, woman, and child.   The culture of the Greidr Republic is obvious given their structure and motto. They are a very warlike people who see military power as the only power. Those who are weak do not belong.   These two cultures frequently clash, primarily over the rights of nonhumans and immigrants.

Public Agenda

The Denauntian Republic promotes wealth, trade, and interventionalism.


The Denauntian Republic is a ravaged and rebuilding land. Elasvura was once prospering and Greidr was once mighty. Alas, things don't last forever. Half of the Elasvuran population is dead and a third of the Greidr population migrated away.


Refer to the Nine Realms Historical Timeline.

Demography and Population

The Elasvuran region is sparsely populated following recent disasters and conflict. Although unsurprisingly it is the most diverse. The Greidr region has the largest population, with diversity being sparse.


The Denauntian Republic controls everything in the mainland besides Deiascire, which is owned by Dwarna.


The Denauntian Republic does not have a military in peacetime. Instead, they draft large portions of the population whenever war comes about. The weaponry of the republic is not streamlined whatsoever, as everyone who reaches the (human) age of sixteen must smith themselves a weapon. This marks the point in their life when they can be drafted. Anyone over the (human) age of fifty-five cannot be drafted.

Technological Level

The republic is scientifically renowned, but technologically- not as much.



Agriculture & Industry

Elasvura makes their money primarily from fish, oil, and the only gunpowder in Denaunt. Greidr is an industrial powerhouse, constantly producing firearms to use and sell to other realms.

Trade & Transport

The only way to reach the realm gate in Denaunt is through Deiascire, which is smooth sailing since Dwarna and the Denauntians are allied. But to go through the realm gate they must pay border tolls to the Archipelago Kingdoms.


At age five all children in the republic are required to attend school. They will then carry on all the way until they smith their first weapon, marking their maturity.

Mythology & Lore

The largest myth surrounding the republic is of Romas Bloodhammer, the founder of the former city state of Elasvura. Romas Bloodhammer was said to rally the people of a small settlement for the first Elasvuran draft. Orcish raiders launched an attack on the settlement- nearly winning the ensuing battle. Romas Bloodhammer lifted his sword to charge into combat, but something suddenly stuck his blade. A lightning bolt sent down from Tilleas himself to bless Romas. The blade turned into a warhammer that trapped the souls of those it slew.

Proteger, Comerciar, Prosperar

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Elasvura, Greidr, The Mainland
Predecessor Organizations
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Platinum, gold, silver, and copper


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