
"There's something so pure about a vampire's evil, so perfect in its utter corruption... It'll tear at your throat like a ravenous beast, then smile at your companions as it dabs its blood-soaked lips with a silk napkin." -Unknown

Basic Information


A vampire looks very much like it did when alive, but with paler skin, hardened and feral features giving them a predatory aspect, and red eyes that are hard to forget. Their hands are clawed. They did not cast shadows and had no reflections in mirrors.

Biological Traits

A vampire looks very much like it did when alive, but with paler skin, hardened and feral features giving them a predatory aspect, and red eyes that are hard to forget. Their hands are clawed. They did not cast shadows and had no reflections in mirrors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampires do not reproduce. The only way more vampires are created is by curse.

Growth Rate & Stages

Vampires will stay the same age forever once they are given the curse.

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires can thrive in any environment- as long as they are out of the sun.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampires must drink blood at the same rate humans drink water.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces are much the same except for one key aspect- they have large fangs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vampires are everywhere- lurking in the shadows.

Average Intelligence

Vampires have the same intelligence level as humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All of the sensory capabilities of vampires are superior to humans.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

All genders are abundant.

Relationship Ideals

Vampires can have humanlike relationships.

Major Language Groups and Dialects



The history of vampires is unknown. Most believe that they've existed as long as humans have.

Common Myths and Legends

-Vampires burn in the sunlight. -Luckily for every living creature, a Vampire can not enter a residence without an invitation from the owner. -If a weapon made of wood is driven into the Vampires heart, the Vampire begins to desiccate and is paralyzed until the stake is removed. However, if this happens when a Vampire is near death, they spontaneously combust and are destroyed. The soul of the Vampire leaves the burning corpse and seeks its final resting place. It may be captured and used as a component to a spell.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Vampires cannot consume the blood of dwarves due to their high alcohol levels. Vampires cannot consume the blood of minotaurs due to their cursed blood. Vampires cannot consume the blood of tieflings due to their cursed blood.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Curse of Vamprisim
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Vampires have the same physique as humans.


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