BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The War in Heaven ravaged the galaxy wholesale, leaving no world untouched by violent clashes of blackstone and wraithbone. In the millennia since, many of these ancient battlefields had been lost under the myriad developments of younger races: buried beneath titans of industry and teeming city-scapes. The maiden world of Bachramshedannan, a lush bauble at the heart of the Abydos System, managed to remain free of such interferences. Vibrant forests lined every continent, disturbed only by sheltered lakes and vine covered shrines to fallen gods.   Within each maiden world is a World Spirit, where the souls of the fallen become one with the planet’s psychic heart. Bachramshedannan's World Spirit was vast, for not only did the native population find rest here, but so too did thousands of corsairs and renegades, whose souls would otherwise have been lost to the void. As other races began to expand in neighbouring systems, Bachramshedannan relied on corsair fleets to defend them from encroaching threats. For their dedication, they received the World Spirit’s sanctuary in return. Not enough was known about the paths these wayward warriors walked to avoid a tragic fate. There would come a time where Bachramshedannan would feel the touch of She Who Thirsts.   Slaanesh's seed had blossomed within a roguish pathfinder from Saim-Hann, during his distant travels to the edge of the galaxy and beyond. Careless was he, to subject his fragile mind to debauchery and delight, that would catch the attention of darker powers. A daemon would sink its hungering teeth into his soul, slowly taking root in his mind, silently becoming a part of him. Upon his death in 898.M41, close friends brought his soulstone to Bachramshedannan. They were ignorant to the daemon's essence, as it was unknowingly invited into the World Spirit. Its patience had finally been rewarded.   Unleashed, it tore at the flesh of Bachramshedannan, gorging on the souls of millions preserved since the Fall. The planet's seers reacted with speed, uniting their psychic might to impede the daemon’s ascension. Its hunger had ripped reality apart, inviting a cackling host to share in its banquet. The exodites took up arms as daemons began to spill out from jagged rifts, keen to sacrifice their lives if it would give the seers more time. With a cataclysmic effort, the seers wrenched the daemon free from the World Spirit before its power could surpass them all, but it was too strong to simply banish.   A single man, the bonesinger Dionadar, remained to lay the dead to rest. His peers had moved the daemon, trapping it within a blade that now oozed with ethereal ichor, it's tainted soulstones swirling with an abyssal indigo. Dionadar dedicated the rest of his life to defending what remained of the World Spirit, and hiding the cursed blade from mortal eyes. With what souls had been spared, Dionadar raised an army of wraiths to stand guard over the World Spirit's central chamber. Even if his mortal body would crumble in time, the dead would remain vigilant over his forbidden relic until the end of time.
Abydos System
Daemon World


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