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Cadian 1102nd Armored Regiment

"Cadia Stands!"



The Regiment is notionally organized into 24 Shock Companies of roughly 440 fighting men each, however accounting for combat losses and poor recruitment, the regiment often only has around 16-18 companies combat-ready at any given time. As of the beginning of the Regiment’s campaign in the Juriah Sector, the regiment boasted 21 Fully Ready Shock Companies and 11 White Companies.


The Gatekeeper: The lead tank of A company is always named Gatekeeper, the same title is bestowed upon the Captain who commands it. In A Company, the Gatekeeper is the final arbiter of if a prospective recruit is fit for joining the regiment and donning the Cadian Green. It is also expected that The Gatekeeper will become the next commander of the regiment. Creed’s Round: Creed’s round is a form of race that is used both as friendly competition and to test if a vehicle is up to the rigors of battle. The track is a figure 8, in honour of Creed’s personal regiment. The course requires discipline and split-second timing from every member of a vehicle's crew, as it involves navigating obstacles, identifying and destroying targets, and spotting “ambushes” along the track. The victorious crew may affix a stylized “8” to both their uniform coat and their vehicle to commemorate their victory. The regiment’s “8s” are often tapped for independent duties, vanguard operations, and similar demanding tasks.   Shock Companies: These companies represent the most experienced and hardened of the 1102nd. They are currently made up primarily of full-blooded Cadians, but as the needs of the regiment grow in the furnace of the Juriah Warzone, more and more guardsmen of other worlds are donning the Cadian green. Shock Companies are rated to perform both offensive and defensive combat operations with minimal prep time. A Shock Company’s typical strength is measured at 24 tanks organized in eight squadrons, alongside eight infantry platoons of 40 rifles. When necessary, additional support elements such as self-propelled artillery and engineer/sapper platoons.   White Companies: The unblooded are the prospective recruits of PDF tithes who have been given the chance to learn to fight and die like Cadians. White Companies are primarily relegated to rear-echelon duties and mop-up operations, though on occasion they have fought with distinction in more pressing engagements. The White Companies are sorely lacking in tanks, often only having 3-4 squadrons of the 12 squadrons mandated by doctrine. Priority is however given to the active Shock Companies. What the White Companies lack in armour, however, they make up for in manpower. Many of the White Companies boast 20 or more platoons of infantry.



When arriving at a new world during a period of rest and refit, the Colonel and his company commanders carry out an inspection of prospects from the local PDF. The prospects are initially tested on their skill at arms, followed by tactical exercises. The prospects are then placed through the same exercises under live fire conditions. Those prospects who can accurately follow orders and answer queries under such conditions are given probationary periods within one of the White Companies until deemed fit for advancement to one of the Shock Companies.   Since the fall, many regiments have doubled down on every draconian regulation of the Tactica Imperialis, but Krast has allowed some things to slip by the wayside in the interest of camaraderie and morale. Many new recruits have initially taken this for softness only to find that they’ve been fed enough rope to hang themselves. As far as the command staff is concerned, discipline is a matter of the individual trooper. If an officer has to involve themselves, then the infraction is a severe one.


The regiment was activated for the first time in 854 M37 and has seen multiple stand-downs, reconstitutions, and one warp-related disappearance. The current incarnation of the formation has been active for 40 years and saw action for the first time at the Battle of Cadia at the onset of the 13th Black Crusade. While the regiment was fresh at the time, they were Cadians to the bone, and they acquitted themselves well against the traitorous hordes. Since the evacuation of Cadia, and the running battles with the forces of the Despoiler, the 1102nd has been deployed to bring to bear their experience in crushing the servants of the Ruinous Powers within the Juriah Sector.
Armoured Regiment


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