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Da Heap

The surface of Da Heap is a poisoned wasteland of junk, radiation and toxins. Nearly the entire surface of the planet is covered in waste, the poisoned oceans have several continents composed entirely of scrap. The atmosphere is a haze of purple toxins that are deadly to nearly all forms of life. The planet itself is Terran-like in size and has but one moon. Instead of mountains, the planet has towering heaps of waste from Imperial Worlds that tower into the sky. Occasionally seismic activity collapses these heaps into massive 'scrap-slides' that wipe out entire orkish strongholds and change the face of the planet.


Da Heap was once a verdant Agri World called Aerüng XIII but poor management of its solid and crop rotation led to increasingly smaller yields. The desire to keep his head lead the planetary governor to import huge amounts of fertilizer to up yields, this not only massive indebted the planet but poisoned the atmosphere to the point where nothing could live or grow on the planet. Forced to abandon the planet the populace moved elsewhere. Yet the planetary governor desperate to meet his tithe came up with an ingenious plan. He sold the World off as a dumping ground to numerous other planets in the sector, stimulating the planet's dead economy. Many previous farmers became junk hauliers, carrying billions of tons of worthless junk to be dumped from orbit onto the planet. This ingenious move not only saved the governor's head but also led to cleaner worlds in the sector as their waste was now shipped off-world, for a price. Now the only real Imperial presence on the world is the Governor's floating palace and spaceport.   Yet one form of life survived on Aerüng XIII Orks. Orks not only survived on Aerüng XIII but they thrived, building huge settlements and warring with each other over the surface of the planet. Many Ork warlords have already risen and fallen on the planet and many scrap forts have been destroyed and constructed. The planetary governor has no issues with the Orks inhabiting the planet, they help break down the waste further and have technically placed the planet under siege and are conducting a series of "orbital bombardments" of Ork strongholds by dumping waste directly onto their forts. Aiding in this is the planet orbital defence system that shoots down any Ork space programs. Though even most imperials have started using the Ork name for the planet Da Heap and using Aerüng XIII to refer to the spaceport.
Segmentum Tempestus
Imperium, Orks
Dead World, (formerly) Agri-World
Tithe Grade
Decuma Particular


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