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Estival is a Hive World of the Imperium, each city ruled by a minor noble house serving the planet's primary noble house, House Kankar, who rule from the planet's largest hive, Orlains. Before being brought into the Imperium, the noble houses frequently went to war with one another, only being unified under House Kankar two decades before contact with the Imperium had been established. Having made contact with the Imperium during the Badab war, the forces under House Kankar were immediately pulled into the conflict, with the planets massive populations conscripted en mass. The planet's noble populous found themselves deeply endeared by the Imperium’s martial culture, and swore an oath of loyalty during said war.   Despite many conflict that brought virtue and shame to the world's knight house and Astra Militarum regiments, the planet's biggest threat came when Crown Prince Bonet. Bonet delved deep into the underhive and discovered malignat forces which he quickly became enfatuated with. He brought worship of the Chaos Gods to the noble houses, plunging Estival into a brutal civil war that saw five of the noble houses and two of the thirteen hive cities destroyed. The two houses that sided with Bonet have been replaced with new houses founded by the families of some heroes from the Estival civil war. House Kankar is still not at full strength, having been severly scarred during the conflict. Bonet and his remaining forces fled the planet to elsewhere in the Juriah Sector, the knights of House Kankar have swore an oath to hunt the remaining traitors and bring their heads back to restore their damaged honor.
Eta (Hive World)
Tithe Grade
Exactus Prima


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