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Heckliamnios I

Heckliamnios is a terra-sized world with one moon, however, the atmosphere has very high amounts of carbon dioxide, this is due to the massive volcanic activity on the planet. At least one super volcano erupts every standard Imperial year on the planet. The majority of eruptions on Heckliamnios are Plinian, it has been theorised by Imperial geologists that Heckliamnios' strange volcanic activity could be attributed to the high levels of nitrogen gas deposits in the planet's mantle. This has caused the soil around these volcanoes to become extremely fertile. When the planet was discovered by the Imperium it was found to be uninhabited and would remain uninhabited till M34. A group of Imperial settlers claimed the world with the intent of exploiting the planet's rich soil. With the backing of the Adeptus Mechanicus Heckliamnios was able to develop a wide range of edible if tasteless produce that provides the nutrients needed to make rations for a third of the sector. Yet harvests are a constant struggle on Heckliamnios taking skilled workers and specialised suit to survive in Hecliamnios dust chocked atmosphere.
Segmentum Tempestus
6 Billion
Agri World
Tithe Grade
Solutio Extremis


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