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Imminghar is the lush moon of Humbalious, and the homeworld of the Grim Wardens space marine chapter. The surface consists of one large beautiful blue ocean, and a single supercontinent with towering mountains, creating a land scattered with a multitude of environments ranging from verdant forests to searing deserts. These environments provide an excellent training ground to prepare the astartes for the multitude of biomes they’d experience on different planets. The animals of Imminghar are small and peaceful, with creatures no bigger than a deer roaming the woods. Dotted across the continents are the abandoned and overgrown ruins, remnants from the dark age of technology. While most of these ruins are used as foundations for bunkers and planetary defence, at least one has been found to contain an ancient vault that potentially contains the secrets of the Envantis system within. The Grim Wardens’ Fortress-Monastery, named the “Boar’s Citadel”, is built on top of this ancient vault, to make sure no one else can attempt to see whatever’s hidden inside. On each of the poles of the moon, there are broken down terraforming stations. The terraforming stations in addition to the old ruins attract the attention of the Mechanicus, so in exchange for rare technology, access to experimental wargear, and planetary defence maintenance, the Mechanicus are allowed to send salvage teams to research and salvage the leftover tech scrap.


The moon was discovered at the same time as Humbalious, when the 28th Expedition Fleet under Magnus the Red explored the system. At the time, the all the human population in the system was on Humbalious, resulting in the moon being ignored, and regarded as a regular moon. This changed in the year 988.M35, when the Grim Wardens space marine chapter arrived to assist Humbalious during the Blitz of Grimsbeck, as afterwards, finding the planet of Humbalious unsuitable for a homeworld, happened upon this moon. Seeing the moon as a perfect defensive position for protecting their recruiting world, the Grim Wardens sent their 10th company to scout out the planet. In their mission, the 10th company under Captain Alexander Planthis discovered the overgrown ruins from the dark age of technology, as well as the perfectly intact and sealed vault hidden deep below one of the collapsed buildings. On their report back, Captain Alexander Planthis claimed he heard whispers coming from within the vault, sounds and voices that dug into the back of his head, telling him to open it. Seeing this vault almost mentally break his most resolute captain, Chapter Master Garthiel Hales decided to build his fortress monastery on top of this vault, and ban anyone from approaching it. Soon after, the moon was fully surveyed, revealing the two terraforming stations, as well as the rest of the desolate ruins. Strangely, during the survey, underground scans couldn’t penetrate further than 1km, as something was either blocking or interfering with the readings. Mechanicus salvage teams often visit the old ruins and terraforming stations, digging through and collecting whatever they deemed useful with the permission of Garthiel Hales. This provided an extra hand during construction of the Fortress-Monastery and Planetary Defenses, as along with the astartes, machines and servitors, some of the Mechanicus would assist in building, which accelerated the finish time. By the time of the Cryptogenic Revolt, the moon had been partially transformed into a fortress, and the homeworld of the Grim Wardens. Due to its excellent infrastructure and proximity to Humbalious, it was quickly able to send reinforcements to help put down this revolt. In current times, the moon stands steadfast against the horrors of the galaxy, acting as the first line of defence against any who would dare to invade Humbalious.
Segmentum Tempestus
Adeptus Astartes Homeworld
Tithe Grade
Adeptus Non


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