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Margaret Chirus

High Queen


Originally the Lady of House Chirus, which in turn was bound to House Kankar, Margaret was doomed to a life of dishonour from the start. Assuming the responsibilities as the Head of House at age 17 after being one of the few members of the house to survive the battle of Unfanch Gulch, she spent the next decade being doubted and belittled by the other heads of the 13 houses. Limited to garrison duty with no way to reclaim the honour her family had lost. She began to slowly fall into despair. At age 26 she was approached by the Crown Prince, Bonet with an offer to join the forces of Chaos and place him on the throne. She would be given control of almost all the lower houses. Eager for revenge she accepted and soon found herself strangely attracted to the followers of Nurgle. Pledging her house to Nurgle, Margaret’s forces would prove to be an insurmountable force on the battlefield. When they sacrificed her ally's forward base of operations, Hive Whimper, Bonet realised just how obsessed she had become with her new god. This action would devastate the heretics' supply lines; eventually causing them to be defeated. After fleeing with the others, Margaret would take the 17 knights most devoted to Nurgle and form a Warband called the Weeping Scythes. As time went on and Margaret engaged in more raids against both the Imperium and other Chaos Gods, word of her accomplishments would cause more followers of Nurgle to flock to her Banner. Eventually, with 77 total knights after her rampages through the Warp and Imperial space, she began turning her eyes back to the Juriah Sector. Margaret seeks to both establish a stronghold for Nurgle and crush her homeworld of Estival and that idiot Bonet beneath her feet.

Physical Description

Covered in pox, blisters and boils, Margaret’s body is a wreck as the many gifts her master has given her have reformed her flesh into a monstrosity disease. Her hair is kept tied in a bun and she wears a half mask across the one part of her face not covered with Grandfather's gifts. Her knight abominant, the Plague Wind, Is covered with fleshy growths and shrieking mouths.


Margaret is not a happy woman, at all. She has spent a quarter of her life believing she was incapable of achieving anything and has an intense fear of death after seeing her family butchered at Unfanch Gulch. These two things fuel her fanatical devotion to Nurgle, believing he will keep her safe and enable her to achieve the great things she was meant for. She is incredibly vengeful against those she thinks don’t give her the respect she deserves. Margaret regularly plans raids on worlds who’s only crime was some immensely petty slight.
Nurgle, Wheeping Scythes 


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