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Nemegnios XI (Nem-ee-gos)

Nemegnios XI is a world about the same size as Holy Terra and orbits a similar yellow M class star. It has 7 clear large conteinents and very low sea levels. Interestingly Nemegnios XI has a much more pronounced tilt than Terra leading to major variations between scorching hot summers and near arctic winters. It also has days more than five times the length of Terra as it spins very slowly. This has led to very little beyond tough grass and shrubs developing on Nemegnios XI and the majority of the planet is covered by grasslands, moors and mountain ranges with no swamps or rainforests. Though many areas of Nemegnios' hardy grassland have been reduced to a toxic wasteland by the Hive Cities that dominate its landscape. The largest of these Hive Cities cluster around one of Nemegnios' many volcanic ranges, siphoning off the geothermal energy of the planet. This source of plentiful clean energy has allowed the planet's atmosphere to remain mostly Terran like atmosphere to remain clean, though the planet does have a thick insulating layer of carbon dioxide produced by its many volcanoes. The adepts of Mars have theorised that Nemegnios is so plentiful in Volcanoes because of particularly thin continental plates.


Nemegnios is ruled by an elected monarch known as the Cenobiarch from among the noble houses that rule the Hive Cities, this Cenobiarch serves a term of twenty years and is advised by the head of House Heiliator and the siting Lord Marshal of Justica Jurias. Justica Jurias is a giant Precinct-Fortress that acts as the central administrative centre for the Adeptus Arbites in the sector. It dominates Nemegnios' moon of Saint Urian. This has led to a unique state of affairs on Nemegnios XI as it is often used as a training and recruiting ground for the Adeptus Arbites. It's said on Nemegnios that there are two Enforcers for every citizen. This may be an exaggeration but what is certain is that Nemegnios XI has more Enforcers than any other two professions combined. In times of war, the planet will often mobilise its Enforcers rather than its comparative poultry PDF forces. These Enforcers are also well supplied with armoured vehicles allowing for them to be quickly organised into Motorised Infantry Regiments. Due to the importance of Justica Jurias the planet has a full and well-supplied Imperial Navy Battle Group stationed in high orbit around it at all times. This has led Nemegnios to somewhat neglect the construction of orbital defences but what few they have are well maintained. Though this could be due to a lack of a notable Adeptus Mechanicus's presence on the world.
Segmentum Tempestus
5 Trillion 
Hive World
Tithe Grade
Exactis Prima


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