BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Solainanis started life as a simple peasant in the Necrontyr Empire, during the War in Heaven he did his part as a simple soldier of the Necrontyr, he was no hero, merely a grunt. Yet Solainanis began to grow tired of being a mere grunt and sought promotion. His opportunity came during biotransference though where he bravely volunteered to be the first of the Elusavile Dynasty, this act of bravery got the eyes of the Silent King upon him. Yet when he entered the colossal biofurnaces something went wrong in the arcane machinery. His soul was held in place, blocking the biotransference for all other Necrons. Only the C'tan noticed this and took the opportunity to feast upon the souls of the entire Dynasty, to conceal this they manipulated Solainanis' soul-stretching it out across all the bodies of the Necrons that were to house the Dynasty. This forever changed Solainanis but the trauma from the event cast his very soul into a deep slumber.   Solainanis has recently recovered from this trauma for unknown reasons and now they seek dominion over the galaxy.


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